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Health & safety

Safety ViskoTeepak remains committed to the continuous improvement of safety performance throughout the company's operations and among the contractors working under our supervision. ViskoTeepak has been member of a zero-accident occupational safety program for several years. The goal is to improve the safety culture and achieve a safety level comparable to the best in the chemical industry.

Occupational safety is given the highest priority at all plants. Consequently, ViskoTeepak Lommel and Hanko plants are certified under OHSAS 18001. Line management does monthly safety observation tours and safety talks continuously. The occupational health committee coordinates risk assessments and is a forum for employees to raise questions about safety and practices in the plant. All recordable and lost-time accidents are reported and reviewed. Our goal is to do all necessary measures to prevent accidents from happening again or even better, prevent them happening altogether.


Continuous development of occupational safety Occupational safety is a joint effort requiring ongoing effort from both employees and management in order to maintain and develop a safe working culture. The long-term goal is to prevent all accidents from happening. Employee's safety awareness has increased continuously and the target is that every employee understands his/her role in maintaining a safe workplace, which encourages the reduction of incidents.

ViskoTeepak has set group-level targets for key safety indicators, i.e., numbers of injuries and injury frequency. We're committed to reaching zero accidents. Our employees are also encouraged to do safety observation reports of all incidents that they feel are unsafe and suggest safety improvements to the workplace and working methods. Safety observation reports are reviewed every other week, and actions taken are permanent. The foundation of safety development at the plant is built on safety observations and the corrective actions thus taken.

Accident frequensy After several years in a row with decreasing numbers, the accident frequency grade was higher in 2019 compared to 2018. The accident severity grade was lower compared to 2018. The road forward is to continue our work against an accident free working environment, and we are determined to learn and become better during 2020.
