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Chairman’s Report

Neil Chave

Chairman’s Report – March 2020 Welcome to 2020! And hope you have been enjoying the great summer weather too. This great weather has meant we have had an excellent start to the year with firstly our annual ‘Open Day’ in early February. This was again a well supported day by our members. Special thanks to those that brought their car, and particu larly the one or two that went the extra mile to bring additional vehicles from their collections. Although the open day was well supported by our members, the public failed to turn up in any significant numbers due mainly to a lack of medial support from our local newspapers who seem to hold little interest in local community events. We rely on this support to communicate with the local public, and without it, we may have to resort to the club paying for advertising in the future. We shall be reviewing as to where we will continue to hold the future open days. Maybe somewhere in the CBD is the best option for next year.

The summer BBQ was another big hit for the club and again a great turnout to enjoy a great BBQ and club member’s salads & desserts.

Also, in February, we held the picnic with the Great Lakes Club. Unfor tunately, this one turned out to be scheduled on the one slightly damp day we have had since December, so rather than an outdoor picnic at the Epiphany Gardens on Broadlands Rd, we held the function at the clu brooms.

The Great lakes Club provided lunch, and we were entertained by a choir singing many of those old songs from the past we all remember.

Coming up in March is the annual ‘Country Roads Rally,’ and we invite all those members that haven’t entered to get their entry form away as it closes soon. There will be a club night in March to have a chat about the rally and enjoy a quiet night out. Later in March, I will be attending the annual National Executive meeting in Wellington, so I will bring all the information and updates back for a future report on what’s happening on a national basis.

Neil Chave

Hi Neil and Tony

On behalf of The Great Lake Club, I would like to thank the Vintage Car Club members for your participation in our Picnic Day.

Although the weather was against us, I still feel we had a great day by being able to use your club rooms. Thank you.

Our members thoroughly enjoyed their car rides, even though they were a little bit shorter than anticipated, and one car broke down, but it all adds to the fabric of the occasion.

The club would like to thank you both for your great organisation of the day, as apart from the weather our day went off without a hitch.

Please thank your club members for their participation in a most enjoyable day.

Kind regards Deidre Brocket SECRETARY