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A Head-to-Toe Road Map for a Healthier You in 2023

Small steps can lead to better health.


The new year is a time for new beginnings— an opportunity to ditch old habits and make positive life changes. While you might not be one for New Year’s resolutions, this month presents a unique window of opportunity to consider making your overall health a priority.

Healthy habits don’t just improve your physical well-being; they also enhance your quality of life. For example, when you get enough sleep, you aren’t

just giving your body a chance to re-energize. You also wake up feeling refreshed and optimistic. Even though we all know good health is important, sometimes maintaining a healthy lifestyle can feel like a drag. The secret to success is to take small steps over a long period of time. Advantage magazine has mapped out some easy-to-follow strategies to improve your overall health from head to toe.

Healthy Joints

To maintain or improve your joint health, exercise is key. But what else can you do?

It’s important to protect your joints in order to decrease pain and reduce the stress or burden placed on the joints, especially as you age.

Here are some easy tips to keep your joints in top shape:

• maintain your ideal weight

• do low-impact exercises

• strengthen your muscles through weight training (done properly, you will increase the stability of your joints while decreasing pain)

• try range-of-motion exercises to improve flexibility, relieve stiffness and pain, and help keep joints functional

• eat an anti-inflammatory diet

• prioritize vitamin D and calcium for healthy bones

A Healthy Heart

Your heart is the most important muscle in your body because it pumps blood and oxygen to all your organs. When you choose healthy behaviors, you can lower your heart disease risk while also preventing other serious chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer. Talk to your primary care physician about your health and family history to know your risks and include healthy lifestyle choices in your daily routine.

Maintaining a healthy heart is as easy as:

• eating a healthy diet

• moving more, sitting less—get at least 15 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week, plus muscle-strengthening at least two days a week

• take medicines as directed, especially for high blood pressure or diabetes

• choose your drinks wisely—substitute water for sugary drinks to reduce calories, and limit alcohol consumption

• monitor your blood pressure at home with an easy-to-use, self-measured blood pressure monitor.

A Healthy Brain

Changes to your body and brain are normal as you age. However, there are things you can do to help slow any decline in memory and lower your risk of developing memory loss.

Ways to keep your brain healthy:

• exercise regularly

• get plenty of sleep (seven to eight hours per night is recommended)

• eat a Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes plant-based foods, whole grains, fish and healthy fats

• stay mentally active—your brain is a muscle; use it or lose it

• remain socially involved to help ward off stress and depression

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including diet, is the cornerstone of healthy living. Eating more plant-based foods, whole grains, fish and healthy fats will benefit your body from head to toe.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including diet, is the cornerstone of healthy living. Eating more plant-based foods, whole grains, fish and healthy fats will benefit your body from head to toe.

Healthy Spine

The human spine is a miraculous, elegantly balanced system and the foundational support of the entire body. Gently curved in an S-shape, the spine balances the neck, chest, lower back and pelvis to keep the head, trunk and legs in alignment.

It provides a protective sheath for the spinal cord—the main conduit of the nervous system—and for some internal organs as well. It provides us with the support structure to maintain an upright posture. And it flexes to allow freedom of movement. In fact, every movement we make engages the spine.

Simple ways to keep your spine in good shape:

• let your spine really rest while you sleep

• exercise your core to strengthen abs and back muscles

• wear shoes that support your spine

• enjoy the benefits of massage

• practice good ergonomics while sitting and limit total sitting time

• maintain a healthy weight

• take care with heavy lifting

• try yoga or water therapy

Healthy Lungs

For every breath you take, your lungs work hard to keep you alive. You probably never think about them— especially if breathing comes easily. But if your lungs struggle to do their vital work, your overall health can struggle too. The goal is to breathe as easily as you can.

Here are some things you can do to keep your lungs healthy:

• stop smoking

• get regular exercise

• eat healthily and maintain an ideal weight

• practice deep breathing

• keep the air in your home clean

• keep up with annual health checkups

• get vaccinated

• wash hands often and stay away from crowds during cold and flu season

Good Nutrition

Good nutrition is one of the keys to a healthy life. Better nutrition is related to stronger immune systems, lower risk of noncommunicable diseases (such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease) and longevity. You can improve your health by keeping a balanced diet.

Eat foods that contain vitamins and minerals, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy and a source of protein.

Tips for healthy eating:

• base your meals on high-fiber, starchy carbohydrates

• eat lots of fruit and vegetables

• eat more fish, including a portion of oily fish

• cut down on saturated fat and sugar

• eat less salt-no more than 6g a day for adults

• get active and maintain a healthy weight

• stay hydrated

• don’t skip breakfast •

If you have questions about your overall health, contact your primary care physician. If you don’t have a doctor, call our physician coordinators at 310-891-6717.

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