3 minute read

Capability Brown

Died 6th February 1783

Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown (b. 1716, d. 1783) is Britain’s most famous landscape designer, who codified the English landscape style and worked at over 250 sites, for a client list that included most of the House of Lords. Born in Northumberland in 1716, Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown rose through the ranks of Georgian society through a combination of professional talent and excellent connections to become King George III’s royal gardener in 1764; complete with the grace-and-favour Wilderness House at Hampton Court.


This was an important appointment as it raised his status amongst the nobility. He is thought to have planted the great vine in 1768, which is still producing a crop of sweet grapes today (you can buy them from the shop in early September). Hampton Court Palace is of unique historical and horticultural importance. The park covers 750 acres of land, set by the River Thames. Stroll around the 60 acres of beautiful formal gardens where you will see The Privy Garden, Tiltyard Walls, Rose Garden and The Great Fountain Garden. But do not get lost in the maze! Another local garden laid out by Brown is Claremont Landscape Garden. It provides a wonderful hideaway from the rush of modern -day life. With nearly 300 years of history to its name, the gardens were once the countryside retreat of the aristocracy and even the royals. Queen Victoria stayed with her Uncle Leopold at Claremont and delighted in the rare chance of freedom, away from the public eye. The estate has been created and shaped by many of the key influencers in landscape design throughout the years. Sir John Vanbrugh, Charles Bridgeman, William Kent, and ‘Capability’ Brown all put their own distinctive stamp on the pleasure grounds, making it into the gardens that visitors enjoy today. There is plenty to discover on a walk-through Claremont, whether it is the lake, the amphitheatre, the Camellia Terrace, or the Belvedere Tower. Brown’s landscapes were simple, uncluttered, and restrained. They comprised sweeping pasture bordered with tree clumps, perimeter shelter belts and screens of trees. The landscape was designed to encourage eighteenth century leisure pursuits including hunting, shooting, and carriage-riding. Lancelot Brown, nicknamed ‘Capability’, due to his habit of describing the great ‘capabilities’ of his clients landscapes, was the most successful landscape gardener of the eighteenth century. What Shakespeare has done for English letters, so Capability Brown has done for English landscape. His landscapes look so natural that it is hard to see the hand of the artist at work. Post lockdown and as we go into better weather both a worth a visit.

Wilderness House

Source: Various

February is often cold and bitter. Saving money on energy bills through reduced usage is both kind to the environment and your pocket, but is it achievable this month? Here are ways you can start saving:

Draft Excluders

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Thermal Imagery

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Air Drying

Tumble dryers are a significant drain on your home’s energy so if you can dry your washing inside on a clothes rack instead you could save around £100 per year.


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