1 minute read

Message from the Head of School

John Evans It is safe to say we have all learned more than we expected

during this past year. Here is my most valuable lesson: Never underestimate the power of a village. Village is where we connect and take notice of the wonder around us. Village is where we activate our spirit, engaging and learning together. Village is where we give our time, enthusiasm and resources and reap the benefits. Being part of a village is central to the human experience, and with so many personal, professional and societal changes over the last year, we have never appreciated the importance of our village more. For so many of us, recognizing the incomparable value in being together, in person, is the standout lesson of the past year. Our students are delightful, and they are engaging, and their unbridled joy and enthusiasm beams infinitely brighter in person than across even the highest-definition screen. Looking ahead, I am confident our collaboration, creativity and commitment to each other will continue to thrive as we come together on campus and in our homes, sharing life experiences, guidance, and laughter. After this most unexpected first year as your new Head, with the unflinching support of the board, faculty, staff and parent body, I can honestly say the Village community is here to support us, one and all.
