2 minute read

A President's Legacy

How would you summarise the Presidency under your tenure?

It is impossible to summarise all of the work that has been done over the past years.


We have worked tirelessly to bring together thousands of Maltese people and international stakeholders, to discuss the most important issues facing today’s world.

These include the challenges of climate change, socialinclusion, the celebration of diversity, and a commitmentto the principles of universal human rights.

My Presidency has also focused on making practical efforts, to translate the values of social justice into a reality in the lives of our Maltese communities. I believe that whenever people promote solidarity, by working together to achieve the common good, then the whole of our society is enriched.

For this reason, I opened the Presidential Palaces to be palaces of, and for, the people. These safe, respectful, and inclusive spaces have created a context for important dialogues, about the concerns and aspirations of the people of Malta and Gozo.

In an interview carried out at the start of your Presidency you noted “I bring in a working person’s perspective, rather than that of a retired person.” In what way has such a perspective helped to make the Presidency more active and closer to the people?

I have always been committed to actively connecting with diverse communities, by listening to the aspirations and concerns of people.

In this way, I hope I have worked to bring the Presidency closer to the daily lives of the people of our country, and provide a space for dialogue and connection.

For example, I have made sure that the girls and young women of our islands are active participants in the Girl2Leader Campaign, of which I am patron. This international initiative, facilitated by the World Women Leaders Global Forum, is sharing an important message of gender justice and empowerment.

You have often stressed on the fact that you are “a people’s president.” Can you elaborate?

One clear example, which I have already mentioned, is the way in which the Presidential palaces have been opened, to make them palaces for the people. I have always done my best to listen to the diverse communities in Maltese society.

In particular, during my term as President, I have created spaces for vulnerable individuals, families, and groups to feel respected. Too often, people who are experiencing vulnerability and precarity also suffer from social exclusion, because their concerns are not heard, and appropriate action is not always taken.

In what way do you feel the institution has been modernised under your tenure?

To me, modernising the Presidency has meant the efforts that have been made, to ensure that the Office of the President and the role of the President accurately reflect the needs and aspirations of the people of Malta, in the twenty-first century.

I augur that the focus we have placed on community engagement, across all sectors and strata of society, will continue to be taken forward, and remain a defining characteristic of the Presidency.

Another example of modernisation, in a more tangible sense, has been the extensive renovations that have been made to the Presidential palaces.

These palaces are a cornerstone of the cultural and

historical heritage of the people of Malta and Gozo. For this reason, I was so proud to support the Sustainable Regeneration of Built Heritage project, carried out by Perit Amber Wismayer. Over four years, she has done groundbreaking research in the area of energy conservation and occupant wellbeing in heritage buildings.

San Anton Palace was a laboratory for this research, which will have benefits for the future of architectural heritage throughout the Maltese Islands and beyond.

How has the Presidency contributed to less poverty, inequality and discrimination?

Through its various initiatives, the Presidency has brought together academics, professionals, and stakeholders from diverse fields, including economics, law, healthcare, education, the private sector, and social policy, amongst others.

For example, over the years, the President’s Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society has published a number of research studies and recommendations, some of which have been taken up in official policy and legislation.

Another essential contribution is our work to put the concept of wellbeing on the national agenda. Before we were focusing on this area, it was not part of mainstream discourse in this country. However, now, it is a cornerstone of how we perceive the sustainable development of our society.

Through the projects of the President’s Trust Foundation, we are aiming to empower young people to achieve their aspirations. These have included tangible initiatives