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Indigenous Vancouver Island

An Overview of Where We Live and Fly

In Honour of National Indigenous History Month


INDIGENOUS VANCOUVER ISLAND Did you know that the VFC exists on the traditional lands of the W̱SÁNEĆ people (more specifically the Tsyecum, Pauquachin, and Tsawout nations)?

The W̱SÁNEĆ are part of the Coast Salish tribal group who, with the Nuu chah nulth and Kwakiutl, comprise the 50 First Nations of Vancouver Island. The name W̱SÁNEĆ (Anglicized into Saanich by settlers) means "emerging land" or "emerging people", as the land had been theirs since the great flood. W̱SÁNEĆ are Straits Salish People who traditionally lived on the bounty from the ocean and land. The W̱SÁNEĆ people split their time between their summer homes, along the Gulf Islands and San Juan Islands, and their protected winter homes, which are the locations of the W̱SÁNEĆ reservations.

We celebrate our Indigenous cultures on June 21 due to the summer solstice and the spiritual significance it has for many people. It's also a wonderful time to spend time outdoors and enjoy this beautiful land and in honour of its first inhabitants! The next time you're flying, take a moment to look at the vast beauty and Indigenous history of Vancouver Island!

If you would like to learn more about your local Indigenous History, here are some resources:

Learn about Maps, Languages, and Treaties https://native-land.ca/

Learn and Hear Indigenous Languages (The W̱SÁNEĆ people speak SENĆOŦEN https://www.firstvoices.com/

Discover Local History, Get Involved, or Contact the W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council https://wsanec.com/

Support Indigenous Tourism in BC https://www.indigenousbc.com/