Li Jin: The Last Five Years

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LI JIN: The Last Five Years

李 津:五 年 回 顾

Vermilion Art, 5/16 Hickson Road, Walsh Bay Sydney NSW 2000

The cellist YoYo Ma once said that his arduous daily practice frees him to express his ideas, feelings and imagination in performance. In the last five years, the world has been turned upside down, yet New Ink master Li Jin’s routine morning practice session continues in his studio in Beijing, in Buddhist temples in rural Sichuan, in fine hotels in Shanghai or in Kyushu island in Japan.

From 2019 to 2023, many of us encountered challenges in different ways. Li Jin said that “To keep painting is a comfort for me and I hope my work can bring some comfort to others”. His irrepressible humour, his sharp powers of observation and his consummate skill as an ink painter shine through in these depictions of food, mood and a life lived during upheaval.

Li Jin: The Last Five Years starts from 4 April 2024. It will be Li Jin’s first exhibition in 2024 internationally.


让他能够在演奏中更⾃由地表达⾃⼰的思考、情感和 ⽆际的想象。过去五年,世界发⽣了翻天覆地的变

化,但新⽔墨⼤师李津的例⾏晨课仍在他北京的⼯作 室、峨眉⼭的佛教寺庙、上海的外滩酒店或⽇本九州 岛继续进⾏。

从2019年到2023年,我们很多⼈都遇到了不同的挑 战。李津说:“坚持画画对我来说是⼀种安慰,也希望 我的作品能给别⼈带来⼀些安慰”。他的幽默、敏锐的 观察⼒和炉⽕纯⻘的⽔墨技巧把这个动荡时期的⽣活 的描绘的栩栩如⽣。五年回顾,李津表达的是平凡⽇ 常中的⾮凡。

《李津:五年回顾》将于2024年4⽉4⽇开展,这将是 李津2024年的⾸次国际展览。

Vermilion Art

5-6/16 Hickson Road, Walsh Bay NSW 2000 +61

408 993 049

All is clear 众⼭⼩ 2019

ink, colour and seal on Xuan paper 纸本设⾊与印章 35x46 cm

$ 25,000

*All prices include GST. 价格含GST。

Beach situation 有情的海滩 2020

ink, colour and seal on Xuan paper 纸本设⾊与印章 38x44 cm

$ 29,500

Leisure pleasure 消磨图 2021 ink, colour and seals on Xuan paper 纸本设⾊与印章 33x33 cm

$ 19,500

Summertime in Sanya 三亚海夏 2019

ink, colour and seal on Xuan paper 纸本设⾊与印章 35x35 cm

$ 18,000

Lush 润泽图 2020

ink, colour and seal on Xuan paper 纸本设⾊与印章 35x35 cm

calligraphy extracted from Song dynasty poet Sushi’s romantic metaphor about poplar blossoms. 纸书法内容出处为宋代⽂学家苏轼所作咏物词《⽔⻰吟 次韵章质夫杨花词》。

$ 12,500

Yin and Yang 滋阴


35x35 cm

$ 12,500

ink and seal on Xuan paper 纸本⽔墨与印章

ink, colour and seal on Xuan paper 纸本设⾊与印章

35x46 cm

$ 29,500

Kangaroo valley 袋⿏⾕ 2020

Spring has sprung 春暖花开 2020

ink, colour and seal on Yuanshu bamboo paper 纸本设⾊与印章 38x44 cm

$ 29,500

ink, colour and seal on Yuanshu bamboo paper 纸本设⾊与印章 35x35 cm

$ 18,000

Happy Immorals 和合⼆仙 2021
distance 惧聚 2021 ink and seal on Xuan paper 纸本⽔墨与印章 25x37 cm

Arhat 罗汉 2021 ink, colour and seal on Yuanshu bamboo paper 纸本设⾊与印章 35x30 cm

$ 15,000

Lying in Zen 卧禅 2021 ink, colour and seal on Yuanshu bamboo paper 纸本设⾊与印章 30x35 cm

$ 15,000

$ 58,000

Life on the island 系岛⽣活 2023
ink, colour and seal on Xuan paper, hand-scroll 纸本设⾊,印章,⼿卷 16x215 cm
Life on the island 系岛⽣活(detail)


$ 79,000

Carnivore is not Vulgar ⾁⻝者不鄙 2020 ink, colour and seal on Xuan paper 纸本设⾊ 35x136 cm, framed 59x161x4 cm signed, inscribed and marked with eight seals of the artist 款识 钤印⼋处 The Carnivore is not Vulgar ⾁⻝者不鄙 ( installation view)

Abundance 有余图 2021 ink, colour and seals on Xuan paper 纸本设⾊ 35x136 cm, framed 59x161x4 cm signed, inscribed and marked with two seals of the artist 款识 钤印两处 calligraphy extracted from Verse for Praise of Buddha, which compile prayers for blessing, longevity, and good fortune, and protection from evil and disaster.

$ 79,000

Abundance 有余图 ( installation view)

Couple of Drinks ⼩酌图 2023

ink, colour and seal on Xuan paper 纸本设⾊与印章 40x23 cm, framed 75x61x4 cm calligraphy saying, “Getting slightly tipsy, watering flowers, planting bamboo, listening to the zither, playing with cranes, burning incense, tea is boiling”.

$ 12,000

The drinker

2021 ink, colour and seal on Xuan paper 纸本设⾊与印章 33x33 cm

$ 19,500



ink, colour and seal on Xuan paper 纸本设⾊与印章 35x46 cm

$ 29,500

Crush and A Clash 情窦初开 2019

Settlement 租界 2020 ink, colour and seals on Xuan paper 纸本设⾊与印章 35x45 cm

$ 28,000

$ 15,000

Morning Dew 晨露 2019 ink, colour and seal on Xuan paper 纸本设⾊与印章 35x35 cm

The Secret of Happiness 妙乐天机 2023

ink and colour on Xuan paper 纸本设⾊ 53x230 cm, framed 68x249x6 cm signed, inscribed and marked with four seals of the artist 款识 钤印四处 calligraphy extracted from the Song Dynasty’s poet Shu Xieyang’s Drinking and Drunkenness at the Spring Equinox, Sitting and Sleeping with the Moon in the Window.

$ 220,000

The Secret of Happiness 妙乐天机(detail)
The Secret of Happiness 妙乐天机 (installation view)

A companion from childhood ⼉时的伙伴 2022

ink, colour and seal on Xuan paper 纸本设⾊与印章

38x43 cm

$ 29,500

No barriers 眼底都⽆碍


ink, colour and seal on Xuan paper 纸本设⾊与印章

36x46 cm

$ 29,500

$ 18,000

The Four Cardinal Vices 酒⾊财⽓ 2019 ink, colour and seal on Xuan paper 纸本设⾊与印章 35x35 cm

$ 18,000

The Four Cardinal Vices 2 酒⾊财⽓ 2 2019 ink, colour and seal on Xuan paper 纸本设⾊与印章 35x35 cm

Peony beauty 牡丹美⼈ 2019

ink, colour and seal on Xuan paper 纸本设⾊与印章 35x35 cm

$ 18,000

$ 18,000

Love of butterfly 蝶恋花 2021 ink, colour and seal on Xuan paper 纸本设⾊与印章 33x33 cm

ink, colour and seal on Xuan paper 纸本设⾊与印章 35x46 cm

$ 29,500

Plum blossoms by the moonlight 明⽉梅花 2019

In another world 温柔乡 2020 ink, colour and seal on Yuanshu bamboo paper 纸本设⾊与印章 18x27 cm

$ 12,000

Wellspring of desire 思春 2020 ink and seals on Xuan paper 纸本⽔墨与印章 35x35 cm

$ 12,500

The Way of the Ink 墨道


ink and seal on Xuan paper 纸本⽔墨与印章 136x69cm, framed

$ 80,000

$ 80,000

A Leisurly Immortal in the Bamboo Grove ⽵林 闲僧 2017 ink and seal on Xuan paper 纸本⽔墨与印章 136x69cm, framed

Self-Cultivation #1 修⾏的⼈ 之 1994 ink, colour and seal on paper fan 纸本扇⾯设⾊与印章 25x53 cm

$ 23,000

Self-Cultivation #1 修⾏的⼈ 之 (detail)

Self-Cultivation #2 修⾏的⼈ 之⼆ 1994 ink, colour and seal on paper fan 纸本扇⾯设⾊与印章 25x53 cm

$ 23,000

Li Jin

John McDonald

Li Jin (b.1958) is one of the most acclaimed living Chinese artists.

One of the keys to Li Jin’s attitude to life is that he uses himself as a character in so many of his ink and watercolour paintings. We see him as amorous, drunk, gluttonous and bewildered; wide-eyed with stupefaction, or dressed in some absurd costume. We realise that all of these personas are contained within one human being, and that each of us harbours the same capacity for multiplicity.

The artist’s self-deprecating humour should not lead us to assume that his work is frivolous or ephemeral. As a painter, Li Jin is skilled in age-old styles known as xieyi (ink wash), and gongbi (fine line brushwork). The latter is associated with an exacting realism, the former is more subjective and distorted. His distinctive style of ink painting became a way of circumventing the demand for grand statements. As avant-gardists made inflated gestures in the name of political and creative freedom, Li Jin’s work remained intimate in nature and often small-scale.

For Li Jin, there is nothing more authentic or natural than satisfying one’s appetites –whether it be for a table laden with mouth-watering dishes, or the curvy, sexy women who stare vacantly from his pictures. If there is a moral to be gleaned from his work, it is to be true to oneself, regardless of all the pressures to conform to social, religious, political and cultural norms.

John McDonald is an art critic for the Sydney Morning Herald.



李津是最富盛名的在世中国艺术家之 。





艺术家⾃嘲式的幽默绝⾮轻浮草率或昙花 现。作为 名职业画家,李津精通

⼯笔和写意等传统技法,前者与严谨的现实主义密切相关,⽽后者则更为主观 抽象。他独特的⽔墨⻛格是⼀种对宏⼤叙述的规避,当先锋派艺术家以政治⾃

由与艺术⾃由之名摇旗呐喊时,李津保留了其作品本质上的私密感,并常伴随 较⼩的尺幅呈现。

对李津⽽⾔,没有什么⽐满⾜最本能的欲望更真实、更⾃然的了,⽆论是 桌 令⼈垂涎的饕餮盛宴,亦或是玲珑性感、神⾊茫然的⼥⼈。如果要从他的作品 ⾥提炼⼀种精神内核,那就是忠实于⾃⼰,⽆需顾忌社会、宗教、政治和⽂化 规范的压⼒。

约翰·⻨克唐纳(John McDonald)是《悉尼先驱晨报》艺术评论家,任此次展 览特邀策展⼈。

Selected public collections and media coverage


The MET: Li Jin, Banquet No. 1, 盛宴1号, 2012

The MET: Li Jin, Vegetable #3, 素3号, 2015

Li Jin — Harvard University

Li Jin - Fresh Ink, East Asian Art Program

Li Jin – Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Hao Sheng on Li Jin – Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Li Jin‘s Food and Fantasy Journey through America, a solo exhibition with Sotheby’s Los Angeles 苏富⽐洛杉矶个展《饕客李津:笔墨⻄⾏》

Why You Should Consider Collecting Ink Art

Sotheby’s Hong Kong 2017: Li Jin, Garden, 2011, lot sold at 2,000,000 HKD

Art Gallery of NSW

Li Jin, Banquet for the times, 2020; The world is yours, 2020; Room for love 2020; Southern beauty, 2019

Art critic John McDonald talks about Li Jin

Long Museum: The Sensory Life of The Mass: 30 Year of Li Jin

Li Jin

Li Jin (b. 1958, Tianjin, China) is the contemporary ink master who is best known for his witty and lush depictions of sensory pleasures. He draws from the tradition of Chinese literati ink painting and creates contemporary works celebrating all aspects of everyday life: food, drink, men, and women.

Li Jin was trained at Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts and has been a leading figure in contemporary Chinese ink art since 1980s. He was awarded the Annual Ink Artist at the 2013 Award of Art China, and was the only ink artist selected by the authoritative publication L’OFFICIEL Art in 2019. In 2015, his major survey show ‘The Sensory Life of the Mass: 30 Year of LI Jin’ was exhibited at Long Museum in Shanghai. His works are in the collections of major institutions including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, National Art Museum of China, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Seattle Art Museum, and Hong Kong Museum of Art.


李津(b.1958)以描绘当代⽣活中的⻝⾊主题⽽⼴为⼈知。他⽤⾊明丽丰富, ⽤笔细腻滋润。他在中国古代⽂⼈⽔墨画传统的基础上,创作了 系列诙谐机 智的活⾊⽣⾹之作。

李津毕业于天津美术学院国画系。2013年获得“AAC艺术中国”年度⽔墨艺术家 奖,2015年在上海⻰美术馆举办⼤型回顾展《李津三⼗年》,2017年在苏富⽐ 洛杉矶举办《饕客李津:笔墨⻄⾏》个展,2018年作品“盛宴1号”进⼊纽约⼤都 会博物馆永久馆藏,2019年《艺术财经》艺术权⼒榜唯⼀⼊选年度⽔墨艺术 家。曾在国内及美国、澳⼤利亚、德国等地举办个⼈画展。作品被中国美术 馆、波⼠顿美术馆、⻄雅图美术馆、⾹港艺术馆、⼤都会艺术博物馆等公共机 构收藏。

For more information, please contact @vermilionartsydney Vermilion Art, 5/16 Hickson Road, Walsh Bay Sydney NSW 2000

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