7 minute read


is a wife, mother, educator, and business owner who loves the Lord and truly desires to fulfill the purpose that He has for her life. Originally from Winchester, Kentucky as a teen, Dr . Jack excelled in basketball, track, and academics, was awarded the recognition of being the State of Kentucky's 1991 Female Athlete of the Year. Upon receiving that award and several others, she also received a basketball scholarship to attend Eastern Kentucky University and played all four years with academic accolades, with the most important to her being the African American Female Athlete with the highest GPA three years in a row. Graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Child and Family Studies: Interdisciplinary and a minor in Special Education, Dr Jack continued her educational path by attending Central Michigan University, where she received her master’s degree in Instruction in Education and a Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership PK-12 and has received Teacher Leader Endorsement from the State of Georgia and has served students and families across not only Georgia but also in the state of Kentucky for the past 20+ years s

Servanthood and Leadership go hand and hand, thus the leadership opportunities that Dr Jack has been a part of have allowed her to serve both in the educational sector and within her community by volunteering with clothing donations and drives, community cleanup, breast cancer walks, GED instructing, read-aloud for children, community/school garden development and planting, and letter writing for those needing assistance.


In 2020, Dr Jack embarked upon the start of her own company, The Honey Butter Company, LLC With the world being hit with pandemic devastation, Dr. Jack used the time of a worldwide shutdown to embark upon a journey that propelled her not only into writing and self-publishing, but a journey of healing and forgiving, as well. Releasing her debut book, “A Day’s Journey to Jordan” in December 2020, Dr. Jack shared how overcoming obstacles helped her to not only become a better person for herself, but for others within her sphere of influence.

Dr Jack is an entrepreneur whose voice and professional credibility encompasses her desire to build others up through service and the importance of representation for all As a change agent with the hope to engage and educate community with a caring heart, Dr Jack has taken storms that were created to stifle her with insecurities and fears and made them her staircase to elevate, reflect, and strive to help others that may have in the past or may currently be experiencing life events that cause stumbling but not failure.

Hold on To Your Realness. Trust Your Own Voice. Believe in The Difference You Make - Dr. Maisha Jack

Dr. Maisha Jack HUMBLE.GIVING. C O

R: How would you describe your journey of becoming the woman and CEO you are today?

DR: The numerous individuals who have supported and guided me throughout my life have contributed to my being the woman I am today. My family and friends have always been there for me, both when things were going well and when they seemed impossible to overcome. My path into womanhood has helped me to dispel myths about what a woman can do and achieve with very little money. I was reared with the idea that respect and service to others were important, regardless of how much money one made or how many plaudits one received. This notion has seen me through my womanhood, professional career, and now business endeavors. I am grateful for every event that has elevated me, as well as those that have hurt me, since those experiences have served to develop muscle for the fortitude that I have as a woman and as the CEO of my own business.

R: What would you say is most rewarding in what you do?

DR: Giving back. Seeing the smiles of children when I am reading my books to them or their sharing with me of how happy they are to receive the books. I would also say that it has been very rewarding to have conversations with adults, who share thanks and gratitude for my truth and authenticity in sharing my first book, "A Day's Journey To Jordan". To help others is simply rewarding.

R: What advice would you give someone who wants to transition from being an employee to entrepreneur?

DR: Seek God's purpose for your life, have faith, believe in yourself, learn the power of yes to yourself, the ability to say no without explanation, and to set boundaries. Many opportunities and people will find their way on your path from employee to entrepreneur, however remember that your road to entrepreneurship is your road and will not

Interview with a Women To Know In 2023

include everyone that has opportunities for advancement. Even with the good intentions of others, it is your "WHY" that matters so ensure that you honor and respect your WHY.

R: Give three tips to new business owners, and leaders.

DR: Honesty, Resiliency, and Determination (and if I could add two more, I would add the traits of being Innovative and Confident)

R: How do you persist in the face of challenges within your business?

DR: To serve and connect with others. "REPRESENTATION DOES MATTER" is not simply a phrase for me. I believe that representation matters for it covers not only race and cultural differences, but people come in all sizes, shapes, have different thought process, and beliefs. I am not saying that I agree with everything or everyone in this world, but we are all God's people and we all deserve an opportunity to be seen and respected.

I want the world to be a better place for my children and my children's children. I thrive when helping and seeing others grow. Whether it be healing fro hurt, recognition of one's own strengths, empowering those that feel less empowered, or letting people know that someone in this world cares and can still show kindness. Empowering others, empowers me.

R: Why do you what you do?

DR: I have always been in the pursuit of something and it has never been in me to quit. My persistence to keep going, especially when others may tell me that whatever it is that I am pursuing, is not possible. "No", is not an answer that I accept easily.

When challenges surface, I have created a space of pause, reflection, and praying. I rely on the faith that God has a plan and purpose for my life and that when adversity arises, I need to check myself to see if I am working on my will or God's will. My desire to please God has pulled me through what I thought were challenges, yet later realized those challenges were only growth spurts and lessons to be learned as I continue contributing to God's kingdom.

R: What are three traits you feel an entrepreneur must have?

DR: Have Faith, Trust The Process, Never Give Up

is a wife, mother, educator, and business owner who loves the Lord and truly desires to fulfill the purpose that He has for her life. Originally from Winchester, Kentucky as a teen, Dr . Jack excelled in basketball, track, and academics, was awarded the recognition of being the State of Kentucky's 1991 Female Athlete of the Year. Upon receiving that award and several others, she also received a basketball scholarship to attend Eastern Kentucky University and played all four years with academic accolades, with the most important to her being the African American Female Athlete with the highest GPA three years in a row. Graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Child and Family Studies: Interdisciplinary and a minor in Special Education, Dr Jack continued her educational path by attending Central Michigan University, where she received her master’s degree in Instruction in Education and a Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership PK-12 and has received Teacher Leader Endorsement from the State of Georgia and has served students and families across not only Georgia but also in the state of Kentucky for the past 20+ years