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Viewings in Spain are often quite different from what you may be used to in other countries Here on the Costa Del Sol agents use a sharing MLS network This means that just one agent, one you trust and get along well with, can show you every property that is for sale.

When viewing properties with the Verdin team, we will typically show a maximum of 5-6 properties per day, otherwise by the time you get to the end you will have forgotten all about the first few properties!

We always advise prospective purchasers to choose their agent carefully and ask plenty of questions about the market and stock levels as some agents only want to show their own directly listed properties, with the ulterior motive being a higher commission for them.

In Spain, the customer often views several properties individually with the sales agent, which also means that you have enough time to ask questions without stress.

Your sales agent will attend all your viewings and can also give their recommendations and / or pros and cons according to our knowledge