1 minute read

Liar..........................................................................!jeesh Creest?

!jeesh Creest?


can you take me to the bathroom she said I’m scared to go alone. reached her hand paint stained up to me. so I hold it.

the world outside is burning. flames rise for the moments like ghosts will standing straight high and dancing, silently blowing kisses to the clouds terrifying me with the stars replaced by ash bricks falling slowly crashing delicate on rooftops and I walk with her nervous, stepping fast and suddenly she fought to keep up her coughing wet parched hallways tangled smokey and thick and she coughs again.

Are you all right? Can I get you water while we’re out in between gasps searching the innocent air she asked if god burned would we die.

I held her hand tighter took her to the restroom and got her cold watertold her I don’t think so dear. it won’t work that way at all. and walked her back to take her seat and smell the ash crushed softly on the sidewalk.