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Advocate Voices

Advocates are the driving force behind the industry with their work aiding people to making the big switch. So, this issue we wanted to shed some light on one of the many voices behind the screen…

Words: Emily Malia

The vaping industry relies heavily on advocates and without their sheer passion and dedication to the cause of aiding smokers to make the all-important switch, it would be doomed.

We’re keen to shed light on advocates who dedicate so much of their time to raising awareness on the harms of smoking and lead people down a much healthier path. This issue we spoke to James Reid, a 60 year-old exAustralian Senior Border Officer, father, grandfather, avid fisherman and of course, vaping advocate.

James smoked cigarettes for over 40 years of his life, during which he experienced countless unsuccessful attempts to quit after trying what felt like everything available.

He tried everything, from patches to gums, some dubious natural remedies and of course the hardest one…cold turkey, but nothing seemed to do the trick.

It wasn’t until 2008, when a colleague and him ordered e-cigarettes from the United States, that he tried vaping for the very first time.

On first impressions, James thought it tasted awful, gave very little flavour and often leaked – instantly getting off on the wrong foot when starting out on his vaping journey.

Reid said: “I still stuck with that awful thing for over six months before the capsules ran out and I just gave up on it and went back to smoking.”

After going back to cigarettes for what was another nine years, James stumbled upon a Facebook post about a new style of vaping device and was instantly intrigued. He said: “I found my local vape shop and received invaluable advice on devices, liquids and information concerning the legality of importing liquid nicotine into Australia.

“I gave up cigarettes overnight and have never looked back.

“It was literally overnight. I went to bed one night a smoker and started vaping when I got up in the morning.” Around the same time of his switch, James joined a range of vaping groups across social media and found that discussing the subject with fellow vapers helped with his own journey.

The vaping advocate said: “As questions were asked, I could easily find answers and not only rapidly gained knowledge but made a number of new friends also on their way to becoming cigarette free.”

On top of his vaping groups, James was so inspired, that he teamed up with other vapers to start their very own Facebook group, specialising in the use of refillable ‘pod’ devices.

Four years down the line, the group has over 1000 members ranging from early twenties to their 70’s.

It’s been incredibly fulfilling for James to work with that many people, playing a small part in assisting them in their ‘quitting journeys’, hearing some wonderful stories along the way.

He said: “From people experiencing health issues to new expectant parents desperate to stop smoking, we’ve worked with people who have quit overnight to those who have struggled immensely.”

Overall, it seems the success rate of our members has been astounding and profoundly affected James’s personal experience with vaping.

The multitude of success stories he’s been involved in has resulted in James becoming a passionately driven advocate for the benefits of vaping.

He said: “In 2020 I created a Twitter account and quickly found myself immersed in a worldwide group of equally passionate advocates.

“Consisting of ‘amateur’ advocates like myself through to internationally renowned Doctors, Scientists and academics from across the globe.”

They each share knowledge, research and studies whilst supporting and encouraging each other to keep working towards better outcomes for Tobacco Harm Reduction initiatives worldwide.

James said: “The knowledge that I have gained into all aspects of the vaping industry, Government policies and scientific evidence is only outweighed by the comradery, acquaintances and friendship that I have gained.”

“This has enabled me to step up my advocacy and given me the confidence to continue my efforts to promote vaping as a truly remarkable method of tobacco harm reduction.”

In recent years, James has submitted numerous papers to Parliamentary inquiries and presented at a Federal Parliamentary Senate inquiry into Tobacco Harm Reduction as a consumer.

He has recently been invited to join industry working groups to discuss changes in Government policy relating to vaping and tobacco harm reduction in general.

James said: “I know that in years to come, e-cigarettes will be hailed as one of - if not the - greatest advancements in harm reduction and health improvement in modern history.

“I know that through vaping, I have regained many years of life, allowing me to watch my family evolve and see my grandchildren grow up over many years to come.”