2 minute read


Words: Emily Malia

Year in year out – since its inception in 2012 – the World Vapers’ Alliance joins forces with fellow vapers to raise awareness for harm reduction on 30 May for World Vape Day.

The campaigning concept came into fruition as a retaliation to the World Health Organization’s ‘World No Tobacco Day’ on the 31 May, that fails to mention the most successful cessation tool ever devised.

Vapouround has compile posts from advocats worldwide in celebration of the most effective method of harm reduction on World Vape Day, and everyday hereafter.

“Happy #WorldVapeDay –– Nothing about us, without us. Switching from smoking to nicotine vaping has extended millions of lives and improved their health. We the people demand to be heard.”


“#WorldVapeDay is all about #harmreduction. As we navigate the #vaping landscape, it is important to prioritise evidencebased information, responsible regulation & support adult smokers looking for alternatives. We can empower individuals to make better choices.”


@VAPORAMERICAN “It’s #worldvapeday. Here are four facts about vaping everyone should know.”

“Happy World Vape Day! Let’s celebrate tobacco harm reduction and the positive impact of vaping. It’s time to spread awareness, support research, and champion a healthier future.

#WorldVapeDay #TobaccoHarmReduction”


Happy #WorldVapeDay! Let’s celebrate the technology that has helped millions of smokers around the world quit cigarettes. Tell your MP here how Australia’s policy is behind world standards and needs to be axed: https://legalisevaping.com.au/email-your-mp #WorldVapeDay

Vaping is safer than smoking.

#WorldVapeDay #WVD23



Today, we recognize the positive impact of vaping on countless lives. It’s about harm reduction, personal choice, and supporting smokers in their journey to a smoke-free future. Let’s continue to educate, innovate, and advocate for safer alternatives.

#WorldVapeDay #wvd23


“There are 82 million Vapers globally. Who will attest that vaping is what got them to Quit Smoking. THR Deniers will dismiss them as “non-people.” anecdotes who don’t matter. We Quit Smoking without the stigma & lies put out by THR Deniers. We will not be silenced! #WorldVapeDay”


“25 years a smoker, almost 12 a non-smoker because of vaping. Likely will have more time with my kids. An utter disgrace the non-truths being spewed forth by the Australian public health ecosystem and supported by the tobacco tax addicted government #WorldVapeDay”


“I used to get multiple infections Sinus & Upper respiratory along with a variety of other issues constantly. Here’s the kicker. Within the 1st year of not having a cigarette, just ecigs. I haven’t had a single infection, HAPPY WVD PPL#WorldVapeDay #WVD23”


“There are a few hours left of #WVD23 on the west coast. Tomorrow is another smoke-free day, 7.5 years of saying good-bye to cigarettes and morning coughs. Vape happy everyone. Never give up the fight for healthier choices.”


Tell the Truth to the World! #WorldVapeDay #OldFartsVaping STOPS SMOKING! #WeQuitWithVape


#WorldVapeDay #WeQuitWithVape

Vaping is a threat to public health dollars and MSA cigarette revenue. It’s all about money. Your health does not matter to them: Corrupt Politicians, FDA, CDC, WHO, Big Pharma, Sponsored Media, Bloomberg, Despicable ANTZ.