2 minute read

Charles D. Engmann

on 31 October 2022 in Ghana

Chuck, as he was affectionately known, taught on Dover Campus in the 70s–80s. His many roles at the College, included 3rd Yearmaster, Director of Lower School, History, Sociology and African Studies. They only tell a fraction of the impact and passion Chuck had for the UWCSEA community. We know that he will be missed by so many of his former students, colleagues and friends across the globe.


This one is near to our hearts for many that admired him and had such memorable interactions with him as an educator, coach, confident, mentor etc. RIP big man, preparing Ghanain dishes like Fufu and stew, football, his acting in plays, Middle School Head … Our deepest sympathies to his family and all who were his friends, teacher, colleagues and his students. We will cherish your memory.

Heiko Jockers ’85

He told me I could be anything I wanted to be. We stood on the classroom tables in Ethics class and had mock arguments. He cared about everyone and treated us all as little adults. The entire school was in tears at his leaving assembly. And he was there at our first major reunion in Singapore 2009.

Thank you for everything Mr Engmann. To your onward journey.

Deepest condolences to Dorothy and family.

Anita Kapoor ’89

Tean Chong Teh

on 16 November 2022 in New Zealand

Mr Teh or Chong, as he was affectionately known, taught Art on Dover Campus from 1974–1982 before returning as Head of 3D Art from 1992–1998. His son Rowan Teh ’94 has set up an online memory site and welcomes all tributes.

Scan QR code for online memories site


Mr.Teh was a wonderful art teacher. Once, without my knowledge, he entered a piece of pottery I made into a national competition, then told me I had won 1st prize! I thought he was joking at the time, but turned out to be true!!! My sincere condolences to his family, may he Rest In Peace.

Tracy MacIver ’87

Such an amazing teacher - he pushed me out of my comfort zone to create some amazing pieces of art. My sincere condolences to the nearest and dearest.

Barbara Paczesna-Vercueil ’99

Mary Van Der Heijden

on 17 February 2023

Mary was at UWCSEA from 2008–2015 and was appointed as a Vice Principal in East Primary School at its very beginning. Her commitment to the Island Foundation was ongoing—continuing to visit and support right up until a month before she passed.


All our 3 kids had the privilege of being in Mary’s care when she was VP. We will remember her fondly always. Our condolences to Mary’s family.

Audrey Goh, current parent

Sean McCauley

on 5 November 2022 in the US

Sean worked at Dover Campus from 2010–2017 as a university advisor, History and TOK teacher, as well as a boarding assistant houseparent for a few years, and even did IGCSE exam coordination for a short while. He played the tuba and was heavily involved in music performances and concerts. He was much loved by both colleagues and students—someone who really cared about each individual he interacted with, and went way above and beyond to contribute to the College community in so many amazing ways.

Scan QR code for online memories site


Sean was a kind, humble man and always willing to help others. Even though he had cancer when he was with us, he put up a brave front. He will be missed.

Jumiah Tornroth, current staff

Suzanne Mazeyrac on 8 December 2022 in Coventry, UK

Madame Mazeyrac was a beloved French teacher on Dover Campus from 1992–2015. Our condolences to her family— husband and also a former staff, Kevin Morley, daughter, Jean-Claire Morley ’05 and Neil.


Heartbreaking news. Madame Mazeyrac was one of my favorite teachers - with a great sense of humor! She further inspired my love for the language.

Shveta Venkatram ’10