1 minute read

Flying to Freedom (Poetry)


The day is warm


and the wind is blowing

newly fallen leaves by my feet.

I grab the harness and feel my back straighten,

my shoulders relaxing.

And with a “forward!”

we are off.

We soar down the steps,

across the streets and driveways.

Stopping only briefly at the textured plastic domes,

waiting for cars.

And when there are none,

we can fly.

We are in the woods,

running on a narrow paved path.

I feel your head jerk,

your alert eyes watching a cat.

But I tell you

“Hup up!” and we continue.

Our journey has ended,

and though I would have been fine with a cane,

I’d rather have you by my side.

You, who give me the freedom to run without fear.

And the freedom to fly.

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