1 minute read

All of us are on a mission together

By Sister Monica Seaton, OSU, Director of Vocation Ministry

“All together we are members of the Church, and the Church has been on a mission since the first day, sent by the Risen Lord, and will be until the end, with the strength of his Spirit. And in the People of God, sent to bring the Gospel to all humanity, you consecrated persons have a specific role, that derives from the particular gift you have received: a gift that gives your witness a special character and value, for the very fact that you are fully dedicated to God and to his Kingdom, in poverty, virginity and obedience. If each person is a mission in the Church, then each and every one of you is a mission with a grace of your own, as a consecrated person.”


This quote is taken from Pope Francis’ message to consecrated people on the occasion of the 2023 World Day for Consecrated Life. It reminds me that we, the Church, are on a mission together. Consecrated women and men live out that mission in a unique way. Do you (or does someone you know) have the desire to join the mission of Proclaiming Jesus to all who they encounter?

World Day of Prayer for Vocations will be observed on Sunday, April 30, 2023. This day celebrates vocations to ordained and religious life in all its forms. In the Gospel reading for this day we will hear, “I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father.” (John 10:14-15) We pray that more women and men will grow to recognize and hear the voice of the Good Shepherd and courageously respond to God’s call to this way of life.

Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph Prayer for Vocations

Loving God, you call each of us to serve you according to our gifts.

In the name of Jesus, we ask you to send your Spirit into the hearts of your people so that women and men may respond to your call to service and leadership in the Church.

As you inspired Saint Angela, our founder, to be confident and risk new things, we ask for that same grace.

Guide the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph into the future. Help us to invite those who have the gifts needed to continue the mission you have entrusted to us. Amen.