1 minute read


Elders for Change, founded in 2020, are a group of Elders that consists of Traditional Owners, Historical Elders and Elders from across the North West Queensland Region and the Torres Strait Islands. Elders for Change originally came together to support and share their cultural knowledge with the women inside Townsville Women's Correctional Centre (TWCC), focusing on enhancing cultural wellbeing and safety. The Elders worked closely with the Australian Red Cross and the Cultural Team from the TWCC to support First Nations Peoples in the justice system and keep them connected to community.

Further to the work the Elders for Change do within the TWCC they now also provide their cultural knowledge to various initiatives in education, housing, juvenile justice and within the Bureau of Statistics, where they give their advice and recommendations.

The guest speakers from Elders for Change are Aunty Florence Onus, a Bindal, Bidjara, Kairi and Yagalingu woman and Aunty Lyn Devow, a Miriam Mer and Erub Torres Strait Islander woman.

Together with all the Elders for Change, they bring with them amazing life experiences, cultural knowledge and outstanding stills and qualifications to share with the Townsville community.