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UNYAC2023.5 - Local Congregation Seminary Grants and Scholarships
Book of Discipline (¶): N/A 1
Book of Resolutions paragraph (¶): N/A 2
Conference Committee/Agency affected by/responsible for implementation if passed: Board of 3 Ordained Ministry, District Committees on Ordained Ministry
With the ever-increasing cost of higher education and the hindrance it causes to candidates for ministry, having a comprehensive list of scholarships and grants available through local congregations would help to offset the financial hardship of attending seminary.
Whereas The United Methodist Church is suffering from a lack of trained and qualified clergy and 12 seminary is becoming more and more expensive; and 13 14
Whereas not all seminary students are eligible to receive Board of Ordained Ministry grants due to 15 candidacy status; and 16 17
Whereas as United Methodist clergy we are supposed to be responsible for our debt load, however many may not be aware of financial opportunities; and
Whereas many local congregations have scholarship and grant offerings that are unpublished.
Therefore, be it resolved that the Upper New York Board of Ordained Ministry, in conjunction with the
District Committees on Ordained Ministry, collate and publish the available scholarships and grants offered by a local congregation to persons outside the membership of the congregation and regardless of candidacy status; and
Therefore, be it further resolved that any specific demographic requirements of scholarships and grants be included in the publication; and
Therefore, be it further resolved that this publication will be made publicly available through the Board of Ordained Ministry page on the Conference website by Jan. 1, 2024, and available in hard copy format to all District Committees on Ordained Ministry by the same date.
Submitted by: Rev. Brett Johnson address: 43 Court St, Canton, NY 13617 number: (607)-684-4599 address: pastor.brett.johnson@gmail.com
Hattie Taylor
Email address: pastortaylor@potsdamumc.org
Name: Cori Louden
Phone number: 585-354-1367
Email address: pastorcorilouden@yahoo.com
Name: Jennifer Stamm
Phone number: 716-603-4470
Email address: jenniferstamm@pcumc.org
Name: Benjamin Lalka
Mailing address: 32 Barnes Street, Gouverneur, NY 13642
Phone number: 518-779-5991
Email address: pastorbenlalka@gmail.com