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The Crimson Laureate Society

Donate to U Biology

Thank you for taking the time to look through the official magazine of the School of Biological Sciences. With the warmer weather and vaccines now available, there’s a lot of optimism about how the University of Utah and SBS will engage our students and get research labs fully up to speed in the coming months. We want to thank you for maintaining your support during these past months which have proven trying for all of us.

Our alumni and our friends play a critical role in supporting our initiatives which are focused on SBS undergraduates and graduates who are busy in labs and in the field asking questions, finding answers and then applying basic science discoveries to benefit society.

We hope that you will consider a gift as we approach the end of the academic year when students are gathering for graduation and gauging their own experience at U Biology and the U and how they can continue as part of our community.

Students who received scholarships and fellowships yesterday are part of our alumni and donor community today and tomorrow. We’re always glad to hear from them… and you, and we always appreciate the support.

We hope you’ll visit our new website at biology.utah.edu where you can read stories, catch up on news and see what events are being planned both at biology and at the College of Science. On the alumni page you can fill out a short form to update us about your career and your personal journey since you graduated. Many alumni stories are now on the new website which we hope you will enjoy and visit often.

Thank you for your generosity. Your gift will help ensure the School’s success through the success of our students. And your shared story will inspire our students to navigate not only the pandemic, but their own careers and lives going forward.

Neil J. Vickers | Leslie E. Sieburth | Professors and Co-Directors School of Biological Sciences

A scanning electron microscope image of Pseudomonas colonizing Arabidopsis thaliana plant leaves, the plant-host subject model of the Karasov lab.

A scanning electron microscope image of Pseudomonas colonizing Arabidopsis thaliana plant leaves, the plant-host subject model of the Karasov lab.

For more information about the Crimson Laureate Society and the Crimson Legacy Society (for planned gifts) please visit biology.utah.edu