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Hot on the heels of being awarded the Race Equality Charter (REC) Bronze Award, the University announced the appointment of Pascal Matthias into the newly-created role of Associate Vice-President, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and Social Justice. The post was created to raise awareness and accountability of the senior leadership team through the lens of EDI, “and importantly the wider lens of social justice,” explains Pascal. “There is a move and an appetite to centralise these issues within University strategy and policy.”

Pascal takes up the post in February 2023 and will report directly to the Vice Chancellor. His focus will be on recruitment, progression, curriculum and culture with the overarching aim of encouraging, “a sense of belonging, from the University executive board to heads of school, deans, staff, students, and professional services.” He sees each cohort as equally important.

“You can’t change culture for students without recognising the need and impact that will have on staff and vice versa. Change is for the benefit of everybody, so that we all feel more empowered, knowledgeable and comfortable,” says Pascal.

Far from starting day one with the answers, Pascal sees his role as asking the right questions, having conversations that build trust and developing a culture where it is safe to speak up.

“We need to ask the questions that will lead to more equitable outcomes. It’s important for me to listen and understand with empathy as this is a difficult space for many people. We need conversations up and down and across the University, to listen, learn, and then look at interventions.”

In terms of interventions, it will not be a case of reinventing the wheel. “The systems are there to appraise staff, to measure students, to monitor assurances and quality, but we need to look at them from different viewpoints and check that we measure what we need to measure.” Pascal uses the National Student Survey (NSS) survey as an example. Students are asked for their views on their course and provisions. “Where is there a question asking how inclusive, diverse and equitable was your education?”

As the Vice-Chancellor acknowledged when making the announcement, there is a long way to go. However, Pascal can see a real appetite for change, as evidenced by his appointment, the REC award and the University’s silver Athena Swan award for addressing known gender equality issues. Change can also come quickly.

“When people tell me Rome wasn’t built in a day, and things will take time, my response is Pompeii was destroyed in hours. We can get somewhere very quickly with appetite, recognition and awareness. And the University recognises the need for change.”

Pascal is currently a Senior Teaching Fellow, Fashion Promos, at the Winchester School of Art, and Co-Founder of Fashion Academics Creating Equality (FACE). He will take up his new role part time and is enthused by the, “great conversations I’ve already had with people who are excited about moving forward. I will unapologetically be knocking down doors to open up this conversation and making changes as needed for everybody.”