2 minute read


Loughton Campus

This course is designed specifically for established professionals currently working or teaching in the performing arts and offers the flexibity of distance learning


Our unique programme allows you to continue

to work on professional projects whilst integrating your professional practice and knowledge with academic and

practical learning.

Online study and peer discussion forum Intensive teaching blocks (2x two-week blocks in Terms 2 and 3) One-to-one online tutor support

The degree is delivered through a

combination of online study with

intensive live workshops and uses your existing professional and teaching practice as a medium for development and exploration. This flexible

approach means that you can live

abroad or study with us alongside

your personal or professional

commitments whilst developing your practice as a theatre practitioner, teacher, director, designer, dancer or interdisciplinary artist with a specific interest in theatre and performance. Applicants must either have an

established professional profile

(including formal or informal training) in live performance; i.e. actors and other performers, directors, designers, stage and production managers, or hold a Diploma from an accredited


Reflect on your previous experience as a preparation for study and development planning Identify and respond critically to a range of theories relevant to contemporary performance practice and develop an individual appreciation of how they can

enhance and enrich your own practice

Locate your own professional work in the context of contemporary and recent practitioners in a variety of theatrical forms


Based on ideas and processes explored in Term 1, collaborate with your cohort to create and perform a short piece of original devised theatre or film. Alternatively, you have the option to be assessed through a professional theatre project produced off-Campus, providing that you can submit documentary evidence Consider the professional skills and knowledge you can offer as a teacher and facilitator and translate your own creative practice into engaging and effective learning sessions


Apply a range of the knowledge, skills and approaches explored during taught modules to develop and present a substantial written

or practical project

conservatoire or hold a BA degree and experience in a relevant field.


On completion of the MA Advanced Professional Theatre Practice programme, you are recognised as a

graduate of East 15 conservatoire

training, equipped with the ability to

build on your existing professional

knowledge and further identify and develop your skills through hands on experience in a professional environment moving forward.