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A story of the Eco-friendly Brand that heals and makes your skin smooth as well as saves you money each month in water bills…

# Can you tell us a brief bio, nature of business, and what drives you to set up this company?

My name is Eduard Soponar; I immigrated to Canada from Romania about 12 years ago. I was raised by a single mom until the age of 8 years old, and had to take 3 jobs to be able to raise me. Since I moved to Canada, I was always doubted and judged by people, would mostly because of where I came from.

I currently manage 3 businesses (a fashion and modelling agency that I named after my mom's name – Monica Model Management, a marketing agency and entertainment company that hosts festivals).

I recently started a new company – Prime Time Bath. I work with Karter Robinson for this company. Prime Time Bath was started with one goal in mind, to bring eco-friendly shower head to the market that heals and makes your skin smooth as well as saves people money each month in water bills. By utilizing some of the most current and update technology, my team and I have created our revolutionary shower head that we knew is going to change the bath industry.

By utilizing some of the most current and up-date technology, my team and I have created our revolutionary shower head that we knew is going to change the bath industry.

#How do you define your business model; what dierentiates your products & Services from others?

Our business model is based on our ability to innovate. The commitment to provide a eco-friendly way to save money and cleaner water at an aordable price makes our Quality and customer service is what dierentiates our company and products from others. We care about the quality of our products and about our company, that's why we invest more in our product to have every single shower head tested individually to make sure it will deliver everything we say it will.

# The concept of engaging outside firms (people) is foreign to typical global brands, why should people start considering these eco -friendly products or services of yours?

People should consider these eco-friendly products because they are better for them and better for the planet. We truly believe that this is one of the best products on the market today. Our team is a proud finalist of the competition “The Big Find” hosted by HSN & QVC. We will be going live on air August 3rd.

# How do you blend the societal norms in a particularly deep set of industrialized culture and business?

A new business, a company or a brand will be able to set their own norms, if we look at big brands such as Apple, Microsoft, Nike etc, the CEOs of those companies never really looked at what the norms of the society is because they knew (and they believed) that they can change that and they can set the norms.

# What are some of the reasons why similar businesses may not survive?

I believe the reason why similar businesses may not survive is because they don't have a strong planning and they don't know where they want to go. When you know where you are going it's much easier to get there. Nothing great comes easy and we all know there will be a lot of obstacles but if you never give up, you will eventually get what you want.

# What are the three key actions that businesses like yours should take today?

a. Find people that have the same values and mentality just as you, to work with and take the business to the highest level possible.

b. Work hard and work smart.

c. Learn from your past mistakes.

# Businesses come with stress; what gives you the joy to keep you going?

My mom, she is the reason I never give up even when I feel like it. I also know that there are a lot of people out there who would like to see me fail, but unfortunately they will never get that satisfaction.