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Guidance Community

Since 2000 in Baltimore City, 2005 in Prince George’s County, and 2020 in Montgomery County, the guidance community has been invaluable to the success of the Incentive Awards Program. At least one staff member has assisted with our outreach efforts by supporting the recruitment, nomination and selection of IAP scholars. These committed individuals have helped scores of students realize their dreams of a college education and thereby, chart a new life course. We wholeheartedly thank our school partners for their unwavering support of the program and its students.

Pamela Wainwright

Digital Harbor High School, Baltimore, Md. IAP High School Liaison since 2002

“The most exciting part of being an IAP liaison is the moment my students learn they have been

granted the Incentive Award, and it sinks in that they are going to college. They recognize

that guidance and nurturing will be available to them—not just money—and they realize they’re going to be okay. Most rewarding, however, is when they graduate from UMD and become productive citizens throughout Baltimore City. One of my former students is now my colleague. I can hardly believe it.”