2 minute read


BY LORALYN CECIL CHS Director of Philanthropy

Christopher Colman started his college career thinking sports would be where he shined brightest. After all, in high school he played on the football, soccer and track teams. He kept good grades, worked in fast food restaurants, cut grass in the neighborhood and still was among the top athletes on each of his teams. Sports seemed to be his ticket to success — until it wasn’t.

It was suddenly as if doors to athletic opportunities kept closing for him. It was discouraging but his parents had taught him, “No matter what, keep moving forward.”

Christopher decided he needed to shift his focus from sports to academics. He asked himself, “What is something I can do that will bring that same euphoria (as sports did)?”

As Christopher was finding his path, his family had challenges of their own. His parents, Sharon and Joe Colman, came to the United States from Jamaica in the 1980s. His father started his life in the States by delivering newspapers and later worked his way through college, graduating from Kennesaw State University with a Master’s Degree in Business Administration. His mom worked two jobs and had taken classes at night to complete a college degree. They were still working hard to build their dream, when his mother received the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, a disease in which the insulating covers of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord are damaged.

Seeing the team of caregivers work to help his mother, Christopher was reminded of the teamwork in sports. He was inspired by the medical professionals and their work to slow the disease.

He returned to college with the same drive he had on athletic fields — but this time for academics. To position himself better for graduate school, he did retakes of classes in biology and physiology. He changed his major to exercise physiology.

While taking classes at Georgia State University, one of his professors, Courtney Strosnider, encouraged him to intern at a cardiac rehabilitation facility. He soon became a full-time employee as an exercise physiologist. Christopher enjoyed his work with patients and seeing people make healthy lifestyle changes.

“The limitations in my scope of practice as an EP became bothersome, though, when caring for patients,” he said. With the same ambition that had always propelled him, he explored options to expand his role in patient care.

Christopher applied to the Physician Assistant Studies program in the UK College of Health Sciences. It was a big win for him. “I am strong in my faith,” he said. “Everything in life happens for a reason and it is important to remember that life is a journey.”

He began the PAS program in January 2021 and calls it a great fit.

“The faculty are supportive but have pushed me out of my comfort zone,” he said. All students benefit from the encouragement of faculty but for Christopher, it led to another step. He became the UK PAS program’s first black class president.

“The faculty encourages us to practice in any setting, anywhere — wherever we think we can succeed,” he said. “They prepare us to be well-versed clinicians, and knowledgeable in our work as PAs wherever we go. They are also open to feedback, always asking us what we need.”

The respect has been mutual. Earlier this year, the PAS faculty selected Christopher as the first recipient of the Daus Family Scholarship in Physician Assistant Studies. During the White Coat ceremony, he learned of the award.

“I am thankful. I am really blessed,” he said. “Everyone goes through challenges. I believe our sole purpose is to help others. I am thankful for those who helped me, and I will continue to lift others on this journey.”