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Sherborne School

Mack Rutherford, 17, becomes the youngest person to circumnavigate the globe solo in a small aircraft

On 24 August, Mack Rutherford, a 17-year-old British-Belgian pilot and student at Sherborne School in Dorset, completed his mission and became the youngest person in history who has flown solo around the world in a small aircraft. He has landed in Sofia, Bulgaria, where his sponsor ICDSoft is based. His journey lasted 5 months and 1 day. With his flight, Mack wanted to show that young people can pursue their dreams and achieve amazing things. It might not be easy or smooth sailing, but with grit and perseverance chances of success are on your side. He hopes he will inspire youngsters to pursue their dreams, who in turn, will inspire more youngsters to do the same. Hopefully, creating a virtual domino effect of youngsters making a difference.

Since the age of three Mack has wanted to be a pilot. He qualified for his pilot license in September 2020, which at the time, made him the youngest pilot in the world at the age of 15 years and two months. Mack has flown hundreds of hours with his dad, who is a professional pilot.

Since he became a pilot, he has been planning his solo flight around the globe. In the meantime, his sister Zara became the youngest woman to fly around the world, which gave Mack an additional spur to set off.

“I have been fortunate to have had a family that has been able to help me progress in my flying. But no matter what background you have, I believe it is never too early to work towards your dreams and you shouldn’t limit yourself by others’ expectations.” – adds Mack.

Mack has claimed two Guinness World Records. He is the youngest person to fly around the world solo – this title was held previously by Travis Ludlow who was 18 at the completion of his attempt last year. Mack has also become the youngest person to circumnavigate the world in a microlight, the title held previously by his sister Zara, who completed her own circumnavigation in January this year.

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