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The eight-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program meets on Tuesdays this fall starting September 19, 2023. The program is available to University of Iowa faculty and staff in a 50% or greater, regular position. Individuals must meet with a liveWELL Health Coach or UI EAP Counselor to obtain a referral to MBSR. Scan the QR code to learn more information about MBSR and how to request an appointment.

Taste of Mindfulness

Experience a Taste of Mindfulness with Brad Baldwin from Aperture this fall. Dive deeper into the practice of mindfulness and experience a guided meditation during this upcoming liveWELL training. Scan the QR code to register at the liveWELL Trainings website. Each session is from 12:10 p.m. - 12:50 p.m. on Zoom

• Tuesday, September 21

• Wednesday, October 25

• Wednesday, November 15

Ui Eap

Take a mindful moment to check in with yourself. If you are going through a difficult situation, the UI Employee Assistance Program (UI EAP) is here to help. There is no issue too small or too large to meet with UI EAP. Scan the QR code to learn more about UI EAP Services. Contact UI EAP at eaphelp@uiowa.edu or 319-335-2085 to schedule an appointment.

liveWELL Health Coach Service

A health coach is a free, non-judgmental, confidential partner who can help you make simple and sustainable changes, overcome obstacles, and explore strategies to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Learn more about the liveWELL Health Coach Service and request an appointment by scanning the QR code.

Find additional mindfulness resources at the liveWELL website. hr.uiowa.edu/livewell/mindfulness liveWELL: