1 minute read

The Ghost POETRY

No one can hear me, As I walk past your door, My evening shadow

On the pavement

Is as silent as my footsteps.

A whisper in the wind floats past your ear, As I draw near, I swear our fingers touch, This time I swear.

You turn your head, And I know you've felt Me. However briefly. You try to apologise. Your eyes sweep past me, Through me, Before you shrug, and turn away. A single drop in your ocean Is all I'll ever be. It's not your fault, You never notice me.

I pass through people's lives, Present in the shadows and Gone without notice.

I am not someone remarkable, But remarkably invisible. You would not be any worse, Or better off, If I just ceased to exist.

Can you see me? As I fade away to ashes. Can you feel me?

As I am dragged into the void. Can you hear me?

As my last breath

Screams the sound of your name. For I was always yours, But you were never mine.


i take it all back your kiss drew more than gasps from me pulled trauma from places i had forgotten smiled tearfully and held me where i was cold let little me know it is finally time to go i couldn’t know how it would feel you lured me out into the warmth kindling my hope with only your eyes palm to palm is holy palmers’ kiss in that moment i rejected such a notion as sin how could i have known you held me as though i might break! shatter in your ring adorned hands rested our heads together in the sea of fervour and i, building the courage to touch your cheek here is my heart, it has no box be merciful and bite your lip once more let in what you now have let out and grant me a moment of yours again so i might have something new to replay i embrace my own naïvety let’s skip this dance of counted breaths both afraid of each other’s depth take my heart and forge its key and never give it back to me