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CAP Stats - WOW

Oh yeah…and a partridge in a pear tree…FA LA LA LA LA - LA LA LA LA! (capitalized because this is yelled, not sung)

Sounds horrible, doesn’t it? It’s not. And, even if you experience one or two of these, more than likely you won’t experience them all. We all know what the stressful parts of being an attorney are. There are also wonderful parts. They include:


• Helping clients reach their goals • Protecting clients who can’t protect themselves • Taking care of co-workers and employees • Creating environments in the workplace that help foster a better work/life balance • Developing connections with excellent clients who appreciate what we do, pay us fair compensation for the work we do, and pay it on time.

These aren’t numbered because all of these things happen routinely in our work and they are the reason we are all still practicing law. For most of us, during this time of year, we are reminded of all that we have and we are grateful to be practicing law.

In the end, it’s all about perspective. How do we perceive the work that we do? How do we perceive our lives? Most of us became attorneys out of a desire to help people. We do that for compensation in our practices, and we do it outside the walls of our offices because we understand that there is a bigger picture involved.

If you are a member of a committee of the TCBA, you know that goals of the committees are to reach out and assist the larger community. We do that through pro bono activities. Maybe you also do this through your church, or maybe you do it on your own. In whatever way it is accomplished, the goal is to multiply our resources by working together.

In this coming year, I challenge you to find one thing each month that you can do for someone who can’t return the gesture. Join a committee at the TCBA if you don’t already have an outlet for volunteering or devote some time with a non-profit that aligns with a goal you’re passionate about. If you have children, take them with you when you volunteer. You will be helping someone else and teaching your children to do the same. It’s not about you. It’s not about me. It’s about us. We have to care for the people around us. Booker T. Washington is quoted as saying, “Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.” It’s true. Change your focus and you can change someone else’s life – while you also change yours.

The month of December can be magical – even in light of the difficulties that come with our jobs. However, the magic doesn’t just happen. We make it happen. We focus outwardly to assist the larger community and, in the end, we find the peace, love and joy that we seek.

Given there are 12 major religious holidays during December, I will sign off this month’s letter by wishing you all a wonderful holiday season – whatever holiday you are celebrating.

I also wish you blessings for a prosperous new year – you know, after you collect from the 9 clients in January!


Kara Vincent TCBA President, 2021-2022