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Tulsa County Students Awarded

Law Day Student Reception Held May 6thTulsa County Students Awarded

Students from across Tulsa County reaped cash prizes and recognitions in this year’s Law Day Student Art and Writing Contests. The 2022 contest theme captured the Nation’s unceasing legal dynamic “Toward a More Perfect Union . . . the Constitution in Times of Change”. The impact of the contests brought home to students the enormous contribution our Constitution, the Judicial branch and legal professionals bring to the Nation’s blessing of peaceful and reasonable means for resolution of conflict. Much credit goes to teachers and parents for their encouragement and leadership in motivating the students to reach for expression. The contests, sponsored by the Tulsa County Bar Foundation in Tulsa County and the Oklahoma Bar Association across the State, were open to all public, private and home school students from Pre-K to 12th grade. Hundreds of students submitted their art and writings with winners selected on quality and theme adherence. Each student entering competed for their grades’ prizes, many students submitting entries in both the art and writing contents. Teachers and parents can find contest details each Fall on the OBA and TCBF websites. Thirty-four Tulsa County contest winners and honorees, accompanied by their proud parents and siblings, were awarded their prizes on May 6, 2022 at the Tulsa Bar Center. Attorneys Lizzie Riter and Rodney Buck, and TCBF’s Tami Williams, helped with honoring the student winners.
