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CAB: What are you en tled to?

Organisation EntitledTo have calculated that every year millions of people are failing to claim more than £15 billion of benefits they would qualify for.

Council Tax support


Over 3 million people are failing to claim this benefit. If you pay council tax and have a low income or are already receiving income-related benefits, then you may be entitled to a reduction in your tax of up to 95%. In addition there are discretionary hardship funds you can apply for if you’re still unable to pay. Search on your local council website for “council tax support” – in Surrey Heath there is a downloadable form on surreyheath.gov.uk but in other areas you may need to apply online.

Pension credit

Over a million pensioners are thought to be missing out on over a billion pounds in Pension Credit. “Guarantee” Pension Credit could top up your weekly income to £182.60 if you’re single, or £278.70 if you’re a couple. Even if your weekly income is already higher, you could still qualify for payment if you're a carer, have a severe disability or have to pay housing costs, such as a mortgage. Savings of over £10,000 will reduce the payment, however there is also a “Savings” Pension Credit you might qualify for. Check the “Pension Credit Calculator” on GOV.uk to see if you might qualify. You will need to have at hand all details of existing income, benefits and savings and those of any partner, but you can get our help if you need it.

Attendance allowance

If you have reached state pension age and have had a physical or mental disability for more than 6 months, you may be entitled to a weekly payment of £62.85. This is paid if you need frequent help during the day with everyday tasks such as getting into or out of bed, moving around, taking medicines or eating and drinking. A higher rate of £92.40 is available if you need help both day and night (or a medical professional has said you might have 6 months or less to live). What you earn or how much you have in savings will not affect what you get. There is an application form on GOV.uk this is very long but you can get help from us to apply.

Other benefits

Other benefits going unclaimed include Child Benefit, Housing Benefit, Carer’s Allowance and Universal Credit. Depending on your situation, you can use the entitledto.co.uk, turn2us.org.uk and policyinpractice.co.uk benefit calculators to check which benefits you can get. You’ll need information about savings, income, pension, childcare payments and any existing benefits (for you and your partner).

Need advice? You can phone Adviceline on 0800 144 8848 (Mon-Fri 10-5) or, if you’re in Surrey Heath, you can call 01276 417900 and leave a message for a call back, or email client@camberley.cabnet.org.uk. Alternatively, you can find information at citizensadvice.org.uk regarding your local office, where you can also get advice by webchat and email.