1 minute read

A Home to Share

Bill Schuck of Groton opens his doors during the holidays to show off his lavishly decorated Victorian home.

photography and story by TROY MCQUILLEN


Back in the day, Bill Schuck of Groton delivered meat for John Morrell all over the region. He says he’d visit all the antique shops along his route, often filling his truck up with more than what he delivered. As a result, he has more than enough antiques and collectibles to fill his three-story Victorian home in Groton. He used to decorate for Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Easter, but has backed off from Easter due to the number of items and time it takes to set everything up. Once decorated, he holds an open house to let people experience his collection and his stately home.

According to a brochure published by the Aberdeen/Brown County Landmarks Commission, the house was built in 1904 by John E. Townsend. Townsend was a hotelman, bank director, and built a commercial building downtown Groton. He apparently built this on North Fourth Street beside his first house. Present owner, Bill, says a person by the name of Dornfield lived in the house and operated the IH/Case implement dealership in Groton in 1910. Bill purchased the house in 1989 and got to work restoring it. Thanks to his efforts, the house is in amazing shape with lots of woodwork, hardwood floors, fireplaces, inglenooks, and lighting fixtures.

With a desire to share his house with the community, Bill decorates nearly every room in the house for a variety of holidays. He has won numerous awards from the city for his efforts particularly for Halloween, Christmas, and the Fourth of July. We caught up with him just after he decorated for Valentine’s Day last year. There is a lot to take in, but everything has a story for Bill. He loves to share his treasures, his passions, and his hobby with the community. //