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Rhys Llewellyn Jones

Addressing mental health, torment and hidden or unspoken emotions, this photographic work emerged in the aftermath of lockdown. Having experienced bullying from a young age, Jones learnt a way to express his feelings though imagery and believes the way forward is to visualise and normalise these emotions through practice. He realises that he cannot fix the problem but hopes that the work contributes to these issues in the social construct of our society.

Yn ateb ac yn delio gyda iechyd meddwl, poenydio ac emosiynau cudd neu ddi-lol, daeth y gwaith ffotograffig hwn i’r amlwg yn dilyn y cyfyngiadau symud. Ar ôl profi bwlio o oedran ifanc, dysgodd Jones ffordd o fynegi ei deimladau trwy ddelweddaeth ac mae’n credu mai’r ffordd ymlaen yw delweddu a normaleiddio’r emosiynau hyn trwy ymarfer. Mae’n sylweddoli na all ddatrys y broblem ond mae’n gobeithio y bydd y gwaith yn cyfrannu at y materion hyn yn adeiladwaith cymdeithasol ein cymdeithas.

Katie Nia

Nia’s body of work Impressions capture ‘the aura and essence’ of significant moments from the past that symbolise the tacit connection that she and her mother have. Through an exploration of indexical material processes, this body of work depicts hauntological traces that permeate through family histories.

Mae gwaith Nia Impressions yn dal ‘nawra a hanfod’ eiliadau arwyddocaol o’r gorffennol sy’n symbol o’r cysylltiad dealledig sydd ganddi hi a’i mam. Trwy archwilio prosesau deunydd mynegeiol, mae’r corff hwn o waith yn darlunio olion rhithiol sy’n treiddio trwy hanesion teulu.
