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The Class Of 1972

Several of us caught up late in 2021 as a prelude to this year’s big event. We have all travelled different paths since high school and reconnecting with classmates one hasn’t seen for 50 years evoked a number of mixed thoughts. Although our faces have changed, most were quickly recognisable. Names started popping back and we started reminiscing of what transpired all those years ago. Most of us caught the bus to school and enjoyed the long walk alongside the WACA and Gloucester Park trotting grounds before entering the school gates. Now mostly retired, we talked about the things we had gone through since our school years such as career, marriage, children and faith. There were the tell-tale signs of ageing, the silver hair that glistened in the sunlight – for those still fortunate enough to have it!

In a way, it was like entering a time warp, finding oneself transported back in time while still very much living in the present. We grew up together as boys and now we are older men. We shared important milestones in our young lives over a long period of time: learning, meals, sports, cadets, school dances. These shared events formed a bond with one other that remains today.

After all this time apart there remained an inexplicable friendship, a shared journey through a very impressionable time of our childhood. Here we were, school mates turned lawyer, accountant, doctor, dentist, engineers, university professor, financial advisor, banker, judge, teacher – the list is endless. How fortunate that we are able to generously appreciate each other for our differences, eccentricities, talents and passions. Reliving these old times and sharing jokes and laughs with high school friends was a very rewarding time.

The lunchtime event took place at The Camfield, across the river from our old school. Those who were unable to attend would like a second chance, so it won’t be another 50 years before we meet again. The ‘stayers’, who shall remain nameless, were still there at 9.00pm. I couldn’t help thinking about the deep impression the reunion left upon me. As one of our cohort commented the morning after last year’s lunch, “this morning I only fully appreciated an important gap that has existed in my life for the last 50 odd years”.

Huge thanks to Wayne Leggett for coordinating the group and Keeping the Spirit Alive.

Gavin Wilkinson