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Access To Cash: The New Definition Of Wealth – And It’s Not What You Think It Is

BY: Dame Doria (DC) Cordova, Ph.D. (Hon.)

Once you understand the power (and paramount availability) of ACCESS, your life will change for the better! I highly recommend Doria’s timeless work…” - Dr. John Gray, Mars/Venus Book Series.

I was young when I first started learning about finances. At that time, I was a very successful official court reporter in the legal systems of Los Angeles and Hawaii where financial experts surrounded my young counterparts and me. On top of that, we were taking testimony in cases where numerous specifics regarding money, business, and financial concerns were discussed. I call that initial phase of my professional life, those eight years spent in the legal system, as my "past life". 

Fast forward to my current profession where I am now a leader and many of today's financial authorities and transformational training leaders graduate from my signature program, Money & You®. I love it when people refer to my work as my "lifelong career" in the financial, entrepreneurial, experiential, and transformational training industry. 

After being around money and finances for over 50 years, I've concluded that the new definition of wealth is ACCESS. I can’t remember the first time that I realized that wealth is created and built through ACCESS – it was more of a natural progression.

In my organization, we are all avid students of the works of R. Buckminster (Bucky) Fuller, a man listed in Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people of the 20th century. He was an engineer, inventor, mathematician, philosopher, author, designer, scientist, “cosmogonist,” “new world” thinker,” visionary, prophet, the greatest living genius, the “Leonardo DaVinci” of our time, and the “Benjamin Franklin of the Space Age”.

He was most well-known for coining the terms "synergy", "Spaceship Earth", "sunclipse" (sunset) and "sunsight" (sunrise). He was the designer of geodesic domes and was essential in establishing the Hunger Project in 1977 by informing many of us that there was more than enough food to feed the world by the early 1970s. He was the first to challenge the Malthusian Theory of Economics about managing scarce resources and convinced many that it was no longer viable. Only in the last few decades has the theory been proven wrong.

Bucky also created an energy grid system that allowed countries to share electricity and alleviate the energy crisis that existed in the 1970s. He was well ahead of his time and got me started on my subconscious comprehension of ACCESS. Learn more about this stunning man through this website: https://www.moneyandyou.com/buckminster-fuller/ 

Lynne Twist, our friend and one of our Excellerated Business School® instructors as well as the author of the renowned The Soul of Money book, was also an avid student and friend of Buckminster Fuller. She was the one who introduced Werner Erhard (creator of EST) to Bucky, and the Hunger Project grew out of their deep discussions about the status of the world at the time and the answers that could be adopted.

Lynne dedicated over two decades of her life to that organization, which in many ways, created a worldwide movement that influenced countless of us to dedicate our lives to the betterment of humanity. She maintains her humanitarian efforts through her Pachamama Alliance organization, working with an exceptional clientele, and her persistent work in spreading the significance of providing resources and access to those in need worldwide. 

She is my "shero" because she is so dedicated to the cause that has motivated me since I was 27 years old. She is a role model for me and is paving the path to addressing one of the world's most pressing issues: the abolition of hunger. 

And what is one of the most important solutions? ACCESS!

Bucky, Lynne, and other extraordinary people planted the germ of ACCESS in my consciousness. When I finally realized what this meant at the center of my being, I felt wealthier than ever.

My sense of SUFFICIENCY skyrocketed, and it is one of the primary elements of my peaceful, joyous, and purpose-filled life. The fact that I have a 98-year-old mother with a kind heart who has lived her entire life "living in a space of sufficiency" has influenced me to dedicate my life to doing good.

Even though I've been studying these principles since 1977, it wasn't until the last decade that it became evident that ACCESS is the "accelerator" of people who are or have become affluent. Whether you have no or limited access to resources, money, investments, relationships, and support when needed, ACCESS is the key to achieving wealth for anyone, regardless of their financial situation.

Do you ever wonder why those who have been very successful and have had severe financial setbacks can turn around and rebuild their businesses relatively quickly, as opposed to those who may want to build a business and must work much harder, but often never succeed? Or those who want to get out of the "rat race" but never do? Those who succeed have ACCESS to resources, networks, people, and organizations that can support them to get back on their feet.

Once you understand this principle, you will notice it everywhere.

If you have questions or cannot see "proof" that this is true, complete the following exercise to assist you in "re-wiring" your thoughts. Be willing to establish new neurological pathways that will allow you to see ACCESSIBILITY in a new light and start living your life with new distinctions. 

ACCESS Exercise – Begin by asking yourself:

How could I get more ACCESS? 

Who do I know?  

Who do they know?

Who do I need to meet?  

What networks should I be in?  

What should I do to increase ACCESS?  

Consider everything you could need to create to build a business: an economic engine, competency, capital, credit, and connections, to mention just a few. To help you work this out, you can access my Excellerated Business Success Model e-book at https://www.MoneyandYou.com

How far are you from those whom you need to ACCESS? Do you need to travel? Go overseas? Be a member of a network that will open doors for you. 

Make a list of all the resources available to you, including organizations, networks, groups, programs, and schools/universities where you are a member and have access to their members. If you are not a member of a successful network or do not qualify to be one at this time, start working on it. That's worth millions of dollars!  

Make another list of everything you DON'T HAVE ACCESS TO – And now you have your work cut out for you.

One of the most significant benefits of our Money & You program is becoming a member of our worldwide entrepreneurs' network, whose members are committed to creating wealth while doing good. Once you've attended the program, you have a lifetime membership to review any program. 

You can sit in the back of any program, anywhere in the world, in any language, for free, as well as display your promotional materials on our famed Network Table. That's what we call ACCESS.

I grew up in what would be considered a middle-class family in Santiago, Chile. Remember, in the United States, that classification was not established until the 1950s. People worldwide worked hard to provide for their families, to have enough finances to have a home, to pay for any necessary health care, to travel on holiday and visit relatives, and for the fortunate to have a good education. It was less complicated.

We didn't conceive of accumulating wealth in the same way that we do today, so when I started striving to live a more successful life in my 20s, I broadened my consciousness and gained fantastic mentors who helped me open doors and get ACCESS to a whole new environment. I knew I was blessed, and I was very grateful. It wasn't until long later that I realized that ACCESS was crucial to my success.

I'll never forget the first time I was informed of why so many wealthy foreign families send their children to expensive reputable universities in the United States. It was not for the education but for the connections: to meet and befriend future business and industry leaders and have access to their contacts, families, knowledge, and, eventually, their successful businesses/empires that were most likely financed by their wealthy families.

ACCESSIBILITY is a way of life for the wealthy, so those of us who grew up in a middle-class milieu or possibly in a resource-poor home lack a natural knowledge of this critical component of wealth creation. And consider this: Why don't so many people with ACCESS achieve remarkable results, success, and prosperity, as well as make the world a better place?  

It's because the "deservability" is lacking.

Allow me to explain. As you work on creating ACCESS, you must also work on bringing up your "deservability", which refers to your willingness to feel deserving of greater wealth than you are used to or beyond the environment that you grew up in by clearing your consciousness and creating the level of wealth that you desire. 

Do the Magical Exercises (https://fridayswithdoria.com/magicalexercises/) for another "expansion exercise".

Some of today's most notable and well-known financial literacy masters and specialists have completed them. Allow yourself to discover the techniques that have worked for people with what you want. Also, learn from the mistakes of others. You don't have to make the identical ones. Bucky Fuller taught us that we are designed to learn from our mistakes. They are not errors but rather "learning experiences".

Access Provides Leverage 

After you create or discover the tremendous ACCESS available to you, begin a systemized "Economic Engine" that will provide for you "now-money-now" and allow you to create Leverage for ongoing future revenues and earnings. Access to Education, Credit, Relationships, Investments, and a powerful, clear Mindset will undoubtedly provide you with what most humans desire: Cash, Wealth, and Power. I recommend that you use these resources not only for your benefit but also to invest in wonderful people and projects that support the betterment of humanity.

My new definition of wealth is having ACCESS to cash, resources, networks, investments, experts, knowledge, wisdom, support – and, nowadays, good medicines.

Your life will change after you have integrated these principles into your consciousness. You will begin to move from scarcity to sufficiency, which will eventually lead to abundance. Nothing tastes sweeter than letting go of the notion that money alone can make you feel abundant and wealthy. 

Deep down, you will always know that as long as you have ACCESS, you can have financial well-being, which will help you increase your influence and positively impact all areas of your life, community, and the world. It's just like Heaven on Earth!

“You are either in control of your money…or your money is in control of you. Access to cash gives you the framework to take control of your money. Dame Doria continues to provide life-changing education. From the Money & You programs to the Access to Cash book, she has dedicated her life to helping others create financial freedom.”— Sharon Lechter, CEO of Pay Your Family First, Co-author of Rich Dad Poor Dad Series.

About the Author: 

Dame Doria (DC) Cordova, Ph.D. (Hon.) is the CEO / Owner of Excellerated Business Schools® / Money & You® – the organizations that have brought to the world entrepreneurial, experiential, transformational training programs, now both off- and online, since 1979 with over 200,000 graduates from over 85 countries. The renowned Money & You® program has inspired some of today's best-known business education and wealth experts, touching the lives of tens of millions globally. 

She is the author of the best-selling “Access To Cash” book, part of the “Money & You®” Book Series, which educates the masses with tools, techniques, and principles used by millions to reach financial and personal success and add value to humanity. As a humanitarian and philanthropist, she supports numerous non-profits, foundations, and humanitarian organizations as a mentor and champion, leading this work through the Doria Cordova Foundation.

Dame Doria is a Global Business Developer for organizations that align with her purpose: to uplift humanity's consciousness through socially responsible business. One of her missions is to transform educational systems worldwide and eradicate poverty and hunger. Another is the greening of the world. All the endeavors she is involved in must align with those missions. 

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