1 minute read

Best Practices for Using an Employee Monitoring Solution

By now you have a clear understanding of what your business needs in employee monitoring and the software requirements are. So, whether or not you’ve made up your mind on using a specific software, here are some healthy employee management techniques you should follow:

Always Ask For Consent: Since the employee monitoring software is going to monitor some very minuscule things about your employee’s activities – such as their location or screen time, it is crucial to ask for their consent first The whole point of doing so is letting them know that these particular things will be monitored closely


Leave Some Leeway: If you expect an employee to spend 8 hours on a Doc, it is best to leave a 20-30% leeway to not make them feel pressurised There should always be wiggle room for your employees to be well human

Do Not Micromanage: A big reason why you should leave leeway is because you do not want to be micromanaging your employees’ time and tasks That is one sure-shot way of making all your employees feel dissatisfied with their work

Preach Transparency: Transparency improves accountability in the business – something that is crucial to maintain best productivity Therefore, it is important to make sure that a culture of transparency is prevalent in your business

Monitor Your Team’s Productivity Now!

By now, you are aware of how important it is to track, supervise, and monitor your employee’s productivity

Sure, you will choose the right software according to your personal business requirements and functionality

However, if your business requires any kind of remote or field work – TrackoField should be your primary choice

After all, it provides solutions for any and all problems you might face while managing a team of field employees.

So, what are you waiting for? Get a demo now!

Ayushi Nagalia is a Senior Content Specialist at TrackoBit She is passionate about music, writing, and reading When not abusing her keyboard, you will find her lost in her playlists or organizing things