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Soulful Image Magazine Issue # 20

During these uncertain times, where do you stand in your faith? While everything seems to be going wrong, where is your faith? Maybe you are having a hard time with change, your finances are failing, and your mind are inundated with thoughts of uncertainty, anxiety or fear. Friends, no matter what is happening we must stand firm in God’s love for us. Everything is happening for you, not to you. And I know that it sounds impossible when you turn on the news and hear about all the deaths and tragedies around you. It may have even impacted you personally or to someone close to you that you know. Regardless of the situation, let us hold tight and strong to our faith.


I spent a lot of time reflecting in isolation, asking God, what do I do now? What do you want me to do? And He said to me, analyze your life. Look at how you’ve been living and make an inventory of each area of your life, and take this time to make some adjustments. Look at your health, your finances, your family, your children, your prayer life, your relationships, your marriage, and your businesses and ministries. What can you do to implement change, tweak things to work more effectively, or start doing to get the results that you want?

You must understand that you are responsible for your life. What you do and how you do it will dictate the results you receive! Right now many people are struggling financially. People have lost their jobs, have been stuck at home with their children, are uncertain about where they stand in their careers, and are confused or uneducated about what direction to go. As more and more jobs are going online, people are being replaced by computers, software and auto bots. Companies are realizing they can still make great profits and not have physical bodies in expensive offices. But what does that really mean for you? Aren’t you unsatisfied living paycheck to paycheck in a job or career you do not love?

The best thing you can do during this down time is figure out what you love and start a business if that is your heart’s desire. Learn some new skills online, and figure out how to make money that is not affected by the economy. I know dealing with all of this stuff all at once can cause some depression, anxiety, or even feelings of anger from being forced in this situation you were not ready for. But consider this, maybe God is allowing this to happen so that you will be moved to position yourself for the best outcome of your life! Imagine finding the job of your dreams during this pandemic. Imagine starting the business of your dreams, or even finishing that project you’ve been putting off for months or years?

“ What you do and how you do it will dictate the results you receive!”

The point is, trust that God will work all things for your good if you love Him, surrender your life to Him, and completely trust the outcome to Him. He will never fail you. And even when it looks like failure, it isn’t because God can create for you the greatest comeback you have ever experienced in your life.

I hope you enjoy this issue because we have articles that will encourage you, uplift you and inspire you towards your faith, finances and overcoming the tests and trials of being in and coming out of isolation. Check out The Thriver’s Guide to Isolation, Take Time for Self Care, 3 Simple Steps to Improve Your Finances, God, Money and Your Faith, The Power of First Fruits, When You Believe It’s Possible, Your Business Becomes Probable and much much more!

Read on!

Tracey-Acadia Thomas Founder & Editor-In-Chief