5 minute read
What’s in our Bags?
The Bag:
Gucci Ophidia Soft GG Supreme Tote: First of all, this bag is HUGE. It doubles as a briefcase and can carry countless client proposals and magazines around town.
Excedrin Migraine: I won’t leave home Cu s wh@ ails ya: without it. It can stop a headache in its tracks for me, no matter if it’s hormonal, stress-related or a migraine.

Tears of Joy:
TheraTears Dry Eye Therapy: It seems like someone always needs an eyedrop, and as a contact wearer and a convertible driver, you just never know when you may need a little help.

Miss Fix-It:
Super Glue: Since the start of Covid, I have been wearing press-on nails (although I still enjoy my monthly pedi at Lavish Nails). This little bottle can save me on the rare occasion that I have a nail “incident.”

Big Hair, Do Care:
Big Sexy Hair travel size bottle (unless it is a photo
shoot day!): I love big hair – and hair that does not move – and this is the gold standard for helmet hair. The TOPS girls are always popping in my offi ce for afternoon touchups. After all, some people put out candy dishes in their offi ces to entice their coworkers; I am the keeper of the hairspray.
The Mav :
Jayme Jackson, TOPS Lexington Executive Vice President
Pretty Pout:
Charlotte Tilbury Hot Lips in Kim
KW: When you fi nd a color that works, work that color. This nude is the best I’ve found.
Get a Grip:
Claw clip from JCrew: Because you never know when you just need to throw your hair back, especially when you are out and about around town as much as Fran is.

Stay Away Sunburn:

Rodan + Fields Sunscreen: Always protect your skin (and lips!) from the sun. Fran also carries around her Ray Bans everywhere she goes to ensure she’s fully protected – and looks stylish at the same time!
Secret Weapon:
Emergen-C Packets: Sick days are not an option sometimes, so she always has some Vitamin C and Zinc drink packets around, just in case she starts to feel run down.
The Bag:
Antelope Neoprene Tote from Peggy’s
Gifts: This has a super cute pattern that everyone is always surprised is a print and not an actual hide. Yes, people have tried to pet it!

Nail fi le: A post-Covid revelation is that Fran is no longer wearing her salon overlays and instead has come to appreciate her natural nails with a French mani. It seems like someone always needs a top coat refresh!

The Ed :
Fran Elsen, TOPS Lexington Editor-in-Chief

The Bag:
Kate Spade backpack purse: Haley is Mama to 2-year-old Emma Kate and a wedding planner in her free time, so convenience and survival is the name of her game.

Hair Necessities:

Claw clip: Although she may start the day with her hair down, you will rarely walk into her offi ce during an afternoon that her hair is not held back by a tortoise claw.
Coach wristlet: Nestled inside of her backpack G b d Go: is her grab and go bag. If she is baby-free, you will typically fi nd her with just the essentials: cell phone, ID and a credit card.

Power Move:
Power bank: Working in the wedding industry – and being a working mom – means Haley’s phone is an absolute necessity. A dead battery would basically be a panic attack in the making, so this girl stays prepared with a backup.

The Mama Be :
Haley Norris, Creative Director
Snack Time:
NutriGrain bars (or whatever):
A Mama Bear life lesson: always carry a snack.

The “Bag”:
Her pockets: Amanda (AKA Dootsie) would rarely be caught with a purse – she is a pocket girl all day long. We wondered how she can survive without a bag and then we realized that as a 13-year staple of the editorial team at TOPS, she has assembled an office full of anything and everything you could ever need.
Go Matte:
e.l.f. Beautifully Sheer Finishing
Powder: It’s not only solid mattifying powder, but you aren’t heartbroken if it should happen to fall out of your pocket and break. Drug store makeup is where it is at, y’all!
Tile: Doots can be just a little forgetful, so her Tile Bluetooth trackers help her find her wallet, keys and phone… wherever they may be.
Write On:
Pen: You never know when a writer slash designer’s inspiration may strike, so this girl comes armed with a pen that can write on just about anything.
Burt’s Bees Pumpkin Spice
Lip Balm: Yup, Dootsie is a pumpkin lovin’ gal, all year ‘round.
Achoo Who?:
Zyrtec: Because hailing from Eastern KY, we are born with The Kentucky Crud…
The Rebel:
Amanda Harper, Vice President of Production