3 minute read

What are Colon Polyps, and Colon Cancer?

As with diverticulitis, treatment for gallstones depends on their severity.

In severe cases, you may need your gallbladder removed. But your doctor may recommend you switch to a healthier diet, prescribe medications, and take painkillers.


What are Colon Polyps? And What do they Have to do With Colon Cancer?

Colon polyps are growths that form in your large intestine. They are commonly found in adults, and have no known cause, and often exhibit no symptoms, although you may experience diarrhea, constipation or other changes in bowel habits if the polyps get big enough.

They are usually found during screenings for colon cancer, and can in fact turn into cancer over the course of several years. You are more likely to develop them after age 50, or if you have a family history of polyps or colon cancer.

How are Colon Polyps Treated?

Because these polyps can turn into cancers, doctors tend to remove them during a colonoscopy, or during surgery. Once you’ve had polyps, you have a greater likelihood of developing them again, which means follow-up testing is important. Your doctor can tell you how often you should get tested. Remember that most colon cancer cases begin as polyps.

Signs of colon cancer can include:

• A change in bowel habits – diarrhea, constipation or a change in stool consistency – that lasts more than a month.

• Rectal bleeding

• Long-term abdominal pain, cramps or gas

• A feeling that your bowel hasn’t fully emptied

• Unexplained weight loss • Weakness or fatigue

If you’re seeing these symptoms, contact a doctor.

How is Colon Cancer Treated?

In initial stages, doctors can remove polyps during a colonoscopy or through minimally invasive surgery. In more advanced stages, you may need to have part of your colon removed, or a temporary or permanent colostomy, which involves creating an opening in your abdomen for the elimination of waste into a special bag.

Colon cancer, like other cancers, is also treated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Both therapies are often combined with surgery.

According to the Mayo Clinic, you can prevent colon polyps – and lessen your risk for colorectal cancer –by having regular screenings and adopting healthy eating, exercise and lifestyle habits.

The clinic notes that studies have shown a connection between a typical Western diet – high in fat, low in fiber –and an increased risk of colon cancer.

Knowledge is Power

“Scientia potentia est”

That’s a Latin phrase commonly attributed to the British philosopher Sir Francis Bacon. Translated into English, it means “knowledge is power.”

It’s only when we understand what our symptoms mean that can begin to make the changes in our lives necessary to manage them. We hope our guide has given you the power to do just that.

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