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Cosplay: Defying Odds and Showcasing Artistry


Bright hues of hairs, eyes of different shades, and garments of diverse styles make up a whole new identity. The art of dressing up and acting took the spotlight and hearts of many—entering another dimension far from what is usual.

Cosplay is a portmanteau of the words costume and play. The realm of cosplay contains a portal where we traverse the landscapes of our dreams, clad in the armor of our aspirations. But what if, beyond the enchanting veneer of costumes and characters, the art of cosplay held the key to unlocking the dormant realms of our own narratives?

Creative Outlet

One of the unspoken rules of the cosplay world is being an individual who is ready to go out of his comfort zone. Someone who is willing to go to lengths just to give justice to the character he is portraying.

Mary Romi “Miyu Cerise” Amechazurra, a fourth-year Elementary Education student has entered the world of cosplay during the pandemic. She needed something to channel her artistry into other than just drawing.

“I wanted to have another hobby during the pandemic that can represent me well and that I can express my creativity and passion for arts,” she shared.

She stated that she is also an enthusiast of manga and anime, and that also pushed her to start her cosplay career.

“I first portrayed female Sukuna, a character from the anime Jujutsu Kaisen. I portrayed Sukuna because Jujutsu Kaisen was gaining popularity that time and I personally like the plot and characters of the anime,” she said.

Mary Romi Amechazurra or known as Miyu Cerise in the cosplay world found her way through cosplaying with her love for anime combined with her dedication for art. With both of her passion for anime and art, she managed to develop yet another passion—cosplaying.

Finding Your Niche

It is inevitable for a cosplayer not to go on stage or be in front of a crowd. Opportunities will transpire, friendship will present itself, and dreams will come true. It will be an experience you cannot escape once you enter the cosplay world.

“My most unforgettable experience in my whole cosplay journey is I have been a guest and judge for two days straight in a Cyber Cosplay Event and also the time where I met famous personality in the cosplay world like Charess, Myrtle, and Alodia Gosiengfiao,” Mary shared.

Mary also met people from different walks of life, from Bacolod, other cities, provinces and even friends from other countries sharing the same passion for cosplaying.

“I get to express myself openly because we share the same love for cosplay and I get noticed by people without them judging my normie self. They just appreciate me and my creativity,” she shared.

It is not easy to find where you can fit yourself into like a puzzle, Sometimes, you get to join a group who you though you share the same passion but eventually discover that it is not for you. For Mary Romi, she found herself belonging to a group who is like a mirror of her own hobby, aspirations, and visions from styling, make up, digital editing, and portraying characters.

In And Out Of Character

Every coin has two sides and just like a coin, cosplaying is not always sunshine and butterflies. Make up will smudge, hair gets ruined, and costumes tear. Cosplaying is just like any other spadework; it needs more than just hard work and exertion to get the result you want.

“The first character I portrayed was Sukuna and the way I portrayed him is all from scratch. I dyed my hair and my costume was made out from my own wardrobe, in short, I DIYed my cosplay for Sukuna,” she shared.

It was not easy for Mary Romi to start cosplaying despite her eagerness and willingness to portray a character because she is also just a student. She has no allotted budget for her cosplay, especially that cosplaying is expensive.

“The difference when I was just starting is the budget. When I was starting, I really had no budget for my costumes, so I find ways to spend less money when cosplaying through ukay-ukay and dying my hair instead of buying a wig,” she stated.

Although she struggled at first, what made her continue is her belief that it would get better soon and that challenges are part of her success as a cosplayer.

“People [now] notice me and they like how I portray my characters. They are also amazed with my make-up and acting skills which is a plus for me as a cosplayer,” she said.

Building a name in the world of cosplay takes time. However, with consistency and unwavering dedication—Mary Romi succeeded in making her name known, and carving her path to success.

Through the years, cosplay has evolved and made its way globally. It garnered a number of individuals venturing their own styles and craftsmanship in portraying characters, and cosplayers enlivening the character they chose.

They say, if there’s a will, there’s a way. Mary Romi and what she’ll do to showcase her individuality are prime examples of someone who defied all odds in pursuit of passion.