3 minute read

David and Job Mysteries in a Worm

One thousand years before Jesus entered the world, King David recorded a clear prophetic comparison of the BODY and BLOOD of JESUS on the communion. He hid the true revelation in the nature and parable of a unique WORM. King David saw the complete communion in the anatomy, characteristics, and biology of the Coccus Ilicis worm. This invertebrate creature seems to hold a beautiful description of the blood and flesh of Jesus in the Holy Communion. Psalm 22:6 “ But I am a worm (TOLA’ATH), and no man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people” (KJV).


Seems like many of the prophets were fascinated by the characteristics and nature of the various species of worms found in the invertebrate animal kingdom. Even Job quoted the worm to describe how he was feeling at a certain time in his life. Job’s experience embraced a different species of the worm to describe his frustrations. His experience was well documented in Job 25:6 “How much less man, that is a worm” (NIV). This particular worm that Job was making reference to was a maggot. This was totally different from the worm King David was using to describe Jesus in The Holy Communion. Strong’s Concordance, number 07415, describes a worm in the Hebrew we would call Rimmah. King David used the Hebrew word Tola’ath, this word is described in the Strong’s Concordance, number 08438. Though the English words are the same, the Hebrew words give us a very clear understanding of the differences in each reference to the worm used by each author. We can now see that the word “worm” is unique, different and separate in our scriptures.

Job would often consult with the strange languages of many of the living creatures in nature of his times. He searched for the hidden glory for solving his problems. Job was afflicted in almost every part of his body and stretched emotionally. There were no humans on earth to help him. Everyone had left him including his immediate family. But Job knew where God had hidden all the answers to his personal and community dilemma. After much searching, he found the answers to each one of them and then God gave him three times more blessings than he originally had before (See Job 42:10). Job encourages his readers to look for answers to their greatest problems in the life of nature. Job 12:7-9, 7 “But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; 8 or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. 9 Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this?” (NIV). Did he also prophesy the crimson communion in the worm?

Job 25:6 “How much less man, that is a WORM (A maggot - Strong’s Concordance 07415 RIMMAH)? And the son of man, which is a WORM (Strong’s Concordance 08438 TOLA’ATH)?”

❝ Did JOB also see the COMMUNION in the CRIMSON WORM? ❞

In Israel and throughout the East, the Tola’ath it is a particular female worm, we call the “crimson worm” today. It is not until we begin to carefully study the characteristics, nature, and the life cycle of both these worms that we will be able to truly distinguish and appreciate each one of them. These worms hold secrets for the creator that he wants us to search out as Kings. If we pursue the hidden secrets inside these worms, we will find freedom for ourselves and families.

A lot of discoveries today came from man searching out the mysteries of creation. We see the Wright Brothers finding the airplane in the birds that flew above them every day. The sinking of the Titanic back in 1912 provoked Scientists to develop new technology that will detect objects deep in the ocean so ships would not crash. In 1915, French physicist Paul Langevin invented an instrument that would utilize sound waves and their echoes to locate objects underwater; and hence the SONAR was born. This particular technology may be new to humans, but it was in some animals that have always used echolocation for navigating and hunting. Bats and dolphins are perfect examples for emitting sounds and listening carefully to their echoes for locating objects around them. Scotch tape was invented by Richard Gurley Drew in 1922 as he observed Geckos stick to surfaces without adhesives by simply changing the direction of millions of tiny hairs. Proverbs 25:2, reminds us that, “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings” (NIV).

As we search for the hidden secrets of nature, as God has commanded us to do, we will find tremendous truths hidden in the scriptures. It does not only give us greater clarity to the fact that Jesus gave us his flesh and blood to redeem us, but we see the tremendous power that the communion possesses. Jesus was and is the greatest sacrifice made on earth. He took the place of the ceremonial lamb and the prophetic worm of King David’s and Job’s prophetic vision. ✽