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Should we prepare for second wave of COVID?

Should we prepare for second wave of COVID?


The fear that COVID-19 will once again hit the world again with the force and abruptness it originally showcased has loomed in the back of every person’s mind ever since the 2-week-lock-down became a 4-week-lock-down, and then a 4-month-lock-down; but as understanding of the disease increases and the knowledge basis that we have thus accumulated only continues to expand -- should we really be afraid of one?

Looking back, when things seemed to be lightening up in the summer of 2020, many health experts and professional warned of a looming wave that would hit with a fearful ferocity in the coming fall and winter; their fears were most definitely founded, as last year’s Autumn and holiday season, continuing especially into the New Year, showed some of the highest numbers of active COVID-19 cases and related deaths since the original nightmare way back in the beginning of 2020.

This made sense, as these seasonal periods are characteristically marked by an influx of cold and flu contractions as well as being cooped up inside due to the weather; this makes it easier for diseases to be brought back into the home and spread, as there is no travel between individuals.

Now that we have seen such amazing success, especially here in West Virginia, with the vaccine, however, how much is there really to fear? In an article published by the Advisory Board, health experts and professionals theorize that, if a second wave were to actually happen, it would most likely hit the younger population with more of a force.

This makes sense, as this group will most likely be the last to receive any kind of vaccinations, and their transportations and social mobility is increased as they go to school or work and interact with many more people than the general senior population.

This could be an ideal situation, though, as we know that younger populations handle and fight the disease much better than older individuals.

While the idea of a second-wave happening is still nowhere near ideal or comfortable to anyone, I firmly believe that if our government and society continue to be proactive about social distancing measures, facial coverings and vaccination rollout, we will have much less to fear than last time when we are once again confronted with a seasonal wave of COVID-19.

Photo Credits: Wikimedia Commons

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