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SGA puts on Dress Drive for students in need of attire for Homecoming dance

SGA puts on Dress Drive for students in need of attire for Homecoming dance

Contributing Writer: Kaitlynn Wheeler


Students at West Liberty University do not have to worry about purchasing formal attire for the upcoming homecoming dance, because the Student Government Association (SGA) recently launched their Fairytale Dress Drive event.

The Fairytale Dress Drive is a program in which students can donate items such as dresses, jewelry, shoes and purses. These items will be donated to students, especially international students, who lack or cannot afford formal attire in time for the homecoming dance.

“Everybody is in college right now. Nobody has the funds to just go out and buy a 600 dollar dress and wear it to a dance that is only for one night,” said Alexandria Black, vice president of SGA.

Photo Credits: Haley Blakemore

The goal of the dress drive is to make sure that any student who wants to attend the dance can without feeling out of place. Black mentioned that she encountered a student from Russia who was nervous about going to the dance in her traditional dress, because she did not want others to ridicule her for not wearing something that correlates with American fashion culture.

“We just want to make sure everybody can fit in and not feel like they have to go out of their way to get something when it can be provided for them,” said Black.

Students who wish to donate or pick up items can either call the Fairy Godmother hotline, which is Alexia Schmader, Director of Programming at 412-477- 4421; or email SGA@westliberty. edu. Students can also drop off items to a box located upstairs in the Union Ballroom near the SGA door. SGA notes that students interested in donating should only bring items they do not intend to wear anymore. The items will not be returned to them.

Even though flyers posted around campus explain that students have until Oct. 12 to bring in donations, Black said students can donate as late as the day before homecoming, which is Friday, Oct. 15. For more information on donating or picking up items, students can follow the SGA’s instagram page.

Photo Credits: Samantha Snyder

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