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Meditation teacher Biet Simkin answers Purist readers’ questions.

Dear Biet, What are your beliefs about life after death? Sorry if that’s too personal...just thinking so much about mortality lately. Orly, Brooklyn

Orly, The more important question is, what are your beliefs on mortality and life after death? I have read many books on the subject, and do lots of breath work that helps me interact with that plane. I also did many drugs before I got sober, which taught me many things about reality. What we come to believe is ultimately our reality. Your job is to create a myth and live inside it! The question is: Are you willing to create your own answer? Your being will be reflective of the answers you create. Love, Biet

Dear Biet, How can I help people heal and be a vessel to give people hope and be healthier mentally, emotionally and physically? Cecelia, New York City

Cecelia, I think the answer to your question will be found in prayer. I prayed for years asking the universe, “What would you have me do?” I asked for years and years before I got an answer. A voice finally responded, and said, “You are a spiritual teacher.” If you ask again and again you will be guided to every right action. I know this to be true. Love, Biet

Dear Biet, Do you believe that in order to experience a desire, you’ve got to “be the energy” of that which you desire and take inspired actions as they come to you from being in that state? Or is there more (or less) to it than that? Miria, Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada

Miria, It’s being in that energy, yes—but understanding that you are a human doing it. Humans are imperfect and humans have fears and doubts. Once you get that even the imperfect human you are is enough and that you can make any magic happen even though you will always be “you,” you will be free. Don’t try to accomplish anything in an effort to get better or be better. Do it because it brings you joy! Love, Biet Dear Biet, I am always seeing this one girl. We have so much in common: We are both blondes, both love yoga, both love fashion and seem to like the same kind of guys. I think she is super cool, but she rejects me—always. Doesn’t even want to have coffee with me! I obsess about it. What can I do to see it differently? Lara, Los Angeles

Lara, When we feel this way it is because we feel like the person has “found us out,” they know that we are ultimately worthless and so we fall into despair. The truth is she doesn’t know anything you don’t. Yes, you are flawed, yes you have negative traits, yes you can be mean, yes you have failed at many things! These are the parts of yourself you want no one to see. So when you get rejected you start to imagine this person has spidey-senses and knows something that you wanna keep secret. The secret solution is you need to be whole! You need to know at every turn that you are beautiful and ugly, that you are flawed and perfect, that you are a winner and a giant failure! If you know that, then rejection and accolades become the same thing—two sides of life that are meaningless! Share your flaws openly. Wear your whole self like a garment! Don’t be afraid to be your whole self. Whenever I get rejected, I just let it remind me...I don’t have to hide any part of me. I don’t have to win! I can just chill and float! Love, Biet

Dear Biet, I keep seeing stuff on social media that makes me feel less amazing about my life. How do you deal with that? Eliane, Connecticut

Eliane, Social media is designed to make you jealous. That’s kind of its goal. It’s not dissimilar from what TV was like in the ’80s. We all sat down with our chips and watched other people live fabulous lives. At the end of the day, it’s your job to live your life in an incredible way. If you can accomplish that, you will feel less and less jealousy...and more and more, you will feel so happy where you are. Your job is not to make other people’s Instagrams less fabulous; it’s only to make your life more! Love, Biet bietsimkin.com

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