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Positive vibes

Mental health experts say there are several things we can do to give ourselves a lift at this difficult time so here is our guide to keep your spirit’s lifted

And so, here we are again. Lockdowns are fast becoming the norm for our COVID-crippled communities, but unlike before there’s no summer, no Christmas on which to focus. Lockdown 3.0 wan announced in the gloom and cold of winter - a season that can be tough for many under normal circumstances – and the respite of warmer days and lighter evenings seems a long way off.

However, there are many things we can do to make sure we reach the promised land of spring in good shape.


Any outdoor activity at this time of year may seem a bit daunting, but doctors agree it is an ideal way to boost your mood. Exercise triggers the release of endorphins into the bloodstream – producing a feeling of well-being – as well as increasing electrical activity in the emotionprocessing areas of the brain, preventing the risk of anxiety and depression.

It also produces a protein crucial to brain health, so even a short period of exercise which exerts the body, such as a brisk walk or a cycle ride, will be beneficial.

Dr Brendon Stubbs, from King’s College, London, says: “Think of it as brain fertiliser – it helps parts of your brain regenerate.”


People often dwell on problems or difficulties, allowing negative thoughts to dog their lives. But while it’s normal to worry, many fears never materialise.

The key is to shift focus from worries to practical problemsolving, and Prof Jennifer Wild, from Oxford University, says: “If you’ve been worrying about a problem for 30 minutes or more without coming up with a plan of action, it’s time to stop.” Exercise is a good way to break those trains of thought.

While it’s perfectly normal to worry, humans have, over time, become highly tuned to negativity and danger. “It’s over-encoded in our brains,” says Prof Wild. “You can make yourself much calmer if you recognise you are overthinking. Stop and focus on facts.”


Setting a new target, whether it be something as grand as learning a new language or trying a new recipe, can be beneficial. Learning new things is generally how we acquire self-worth and keeps us motivated.

Stepping outside your comfort zone helps you to focus and brings a sense of control.

“Novelty is fundamentally rewarding,” says Dr Dean Burnett, a leading neuroscientist. “Learning to do new things is frequently how we acquire self-worth. Goalmotivated behaviour is one of the most fundamental ways we operate.”


Don’t think twice about doinsomething, even if conditions suggest you’re not going to get the best results, says Olivia Remes, from Cambridge University.

She says: “Our inner voice of criticism stops us doing worthwhile things, so jump straight into action. Do things and accept they might initially be done badly – most of the time, the results are not that bad and they’re almost always better than doing nothing.”

That way, she believes, we can encourage ourselves to be optimistic and accept life’s not all down to things we can’t control.

She also recommends writing down three things a day which we are grateful about, forcing ourselves to focus on what’s gone well and why. This stimulates the left-hand side of the brain which is associated with positivity, and she concludes: “Emotions are contagious – steer yourself away from negative, miserable people who are constantly complaining because you could be come one of them.”

People often dwell on problems or difficulties, allowing negative thoughts IT’S GOOD TO TALK to dog their lives. But while Maximise the little social it’s normal to worry, many contact that is available. fears never materialise Humans are social creatures, so isolated people are more likely to focus on themselves, going over small problems in their heads until they become issues. “We’re not really designed to be on our own. We feel better with social contact,” says Prof Emerita Elizabeth Kuipers, of King’s College, London. “Isolated people are more likely to focus on themselves and that can make things worse.” Talking things through can help reframe problems, and if lockdown means you cannot do that in person, make that phone call or arrange to talk online.