5 minute read

The Trees Were on Fire Caitlin Blocklinger

Eyes closed, dreaming of places far away. Majestic colors fill every space. “Happy birthday to you, happy. . . .” My eyes flutter open as I awaken from my slumber. I see my parents at the foot of my bed holding a cupcake. “Good morning! Blow out your candle, and make a wish,” Mom exclaims. I roll my eyes because I’m too old for this nonsense. I don’t believe that wishes come true. Mom passes me the plate where a cupcake decorated as a pumpkin has a single candle lit. I wish for colors. A breeze from my cracked window blows the candle out for me. “Aww, that’s a shame. Now the wish won’t come true, pumpkin,” Dad says as he takes the cake back.

“Don’t worry Dad,” I say as they leave. “It never comes true,” I whisper to myself. I put on an outfit that I believe is orange and white. I look around the tiny room, barely enough space for my bed and me. All the sticky notes that I’ve placed on my furniture seem to be laughing at me. I look at the one on my bed, red, orange, yellow the colors of fall. A cramped kitchen, living, and dining space greets me as I step out of my room. Bills, stacked up on the counters, and cans of food line the shelves. I notice a red circle on October 3rd, my birthday. “Mom, is my outfit, okay?” I ask. “Yes Colorum!” mom says a little too enthusiastic. “Every day you improve on your colors.” “Thanks mom,” my face warms with blush. “I’m going outside now!” “Be safe,” mom manages to sneak in as I head outside. The chilly autumn morning greets me as I leave the trailer. A breeze lifts my hair into my face and tickles my nose. I trot over to the little hide away I made in the forest. A smile spreads across my face, I hear the sounds of the little home away from home I made. A river gurgles by and creates a wonderfully peaceful sound. I spot the knot hole in a tree where I store my children’s books. They have many beautiful designs and colors. My favorite book is the one that talks about trees turning into majestic fall colors. I sit by the river, and stare into my reflection. My cheeks have turned pink from the chill.


“I suppose the leaves have started turning colors,” I say to myself. “Isn’t it so ironic my birthday is the day the leaves start to change colors,” my head shakes in defeat. I look up at the trees, all the different shades of black, grey, and white. So many colors, beautiful rich colors, and I see nothing. My world a blank canvas and someone forgot to bring the paints. “Why!” I yell up to the sky. “Why did you give me this curse? Why can’t I see the fascinating world? Why is my world so. . .so,” a laugh escapes me, “monochromatic.” That laugh slowly turns into sob. I crumple to the forest floor. The crunch of the grey leaves beneath me muffle the sounds of my parents approaching. “Aw, you know there is a rule about crying on your birthday, pumpkin,” I hear dad say as he wraps a blanket around my shoulders. The instant warmth of the blanket makes me feel better. “You never did open your gift, Colorum,” mom says as she hands me a box with tree wrapping paper on it. “I hope this gift is better than that time you got me a coloring book,” I say jokingly. “We thought you would like it because you love anything to do with colors!” Dad exclaims. “I couldn’t tell if I was coloring the frog green, or purple!” “Just open it already,” mom playfully snipped. I tear the paper off. The paper was covering a grey case. What color is tha-. “Yellow,” mom says reading my mind. I open the case up; a pair of glasses lay in a bed of velvet. “What are these,” the feeling of hope burning its way through my body. “Put them on,” mom exclaimed. I excitedly put them on. Tears instantly fill my eyes. Colors! Wonderful, beautiful, colors. I look around at the trees and take in the marvelous world for the first time. The trees were on fire with the bright bold colors of the leaves. The stream is a gorgeous gem blue! It was like I entered a whole new world. Nothing brought me greater joy than seeing colors, real colors, for the first time! Tears stung my eyes as I witnessed everything I had ever wanted in life. Every wish I had made on my birthday finally came true. I finally get to witness Fall, the most beautiful season of all.

Caitlin Blocklinger, 8 YOUNGCLAUS AWARD WINNER