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Tips with Trish: The anxiety outbreak

by TRICIA BORELLI Director of the Counseling Center Dear Loras community,


In light of the unfortunate Coronavirus that is rapidly infecting the world, I would like to address the anxiety outbreak that has come along with the virus. It is a stressful and overwhelming time for all of us. Whether you’re fearful for yourself or your loved ones or you think the hype is ridiculous, it is interfering with your life. How you respond to this global climate of uncertainty will depend on your background, your own stress tolerance, your resources and support system. Remember that whatever you are feeling is normal in an abnormal situation. None of us have been through this specific situation before so it is new territory. Common feelings include frustration, anger, confusion, sadness, anxiety, and fear. Specific symptoms of stress during an infectious disease outbreak can also include, but are not limited to, feelings of fear about your health and the health of ones you love, problems with sleeping and/or eating, worry about finances, confusion about travel, and an increase in problematic behaviors like substance abuse. People with preexisting mental health conditions are even more susceptible to intense reactions. Taking care of yourself and utilizing your support systems is extremely important. During this time of uncertainty and some isolation, here are some things that you can do to support yourself. 1. Check email! When you get emails, read them in their entirety. Lots of your questions will likely be answered in those emails. This will help avoid spreading non-factual information. Stay in touch with professors and don’t forget to look at updates from Loras. 2. Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to the news including social media. Just like re-watching the pictures of the Twin Towers during 9/11 were upsetting; hearing about the current pandemic repeatedly can be anxietyprovoking. Limit your access to the news. It is good to be informed but you don’t need to be tuned in constantly. Trust me, you will know when something changes. 3. Take good physical care of yourself. Eat healthy including lots of water and well-balanced meals, clearly avoiding sharing with others. Exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep. Basically do what you should be doing anyway but many of us don’t until winter when we’re trying not to get sick. Also, consider taking a walk outside, when the weather is nice. This is not off limits and may be good for you. 4. Wash your hands, respect the social distancing rules and don’t think you are immune to the illness. Your actions can still affect yourself and others so even if you are young and healthy, remember that you could carry it to someone who has not been blessed with the same immune system. Be smart and considerate. 5. Continue to stay in contact with people. Self-quarantine is not the same as self-isolation. Connection is still very important. It is okay to talk with people about the array of emotions that you are experiencing. The tricky part is to avoid panic. Sometimes negative conversations can lead to feelings of hopelessness and more fear. Plan times to engage in conversations. Think about thoughtprovoking questions that you can discuss the next time you talk. Send memes and inspirations quotes. Laugh. Engage in deep conversations. Consider letter writing to friends. Be creative. Staying in touch is a great way to ward off boredom and loneliness. Email also provides an opportunity to stay in touch with those who are worried about you. 6. Keep a routine. Stay up on coursework. Don’t use this as a time to slack. Consider getting up when you would be in class anyway. Stay focused on getting coursework done. Routine and structure are good for us and help us with motivation and mood. Consider studying with a friend while Face Timing. 7. Breathe. As sad as it is to be leaving the physical Loras community for a while, take this time away from campus to unwind and get centered. Consider meditating, yoga and mindfulness to remain in the present and not obsessing about the future. This is a “one day at a time” thing. 8. Engage in some old activities that you used to enjoy. Consider a hobby that you have been wanting to do for a while. Try knitting, online chess or teaching your dog some new tricks. If you are at home, try playing card games with your siblings or consider re-reading those Harry Potter books you once loved. This time does not have to be a waste. 9. Remember to pray. Don’t give up hope. God’s grace is most seen and understood in the midst of suffering. We will get through this. 10. And in regards to ongoing support, don’t forget that Loras is here for you. Contact Counseling Services or the staff/ faculty that you are most connected to for ongoing ideas on how to navigate this pandemic. As we all learned in the faculty/staff play last fall, “We are all in this together!” For more ideas on how to manage your emotions during this time, check out our webpage for more resources: https://lorasedu.sharepoint.com/ StudentDevelopment/Counseling/ SitePages/Home.aspx . Another great online resource regarding virus anxiety is: www.virusanxiety.com

Sincerely, Tricia Borelli

How to survive a long semester

by HARRIET SIEGRIST guest writer Even though we’re heading home in March, the semester is long from over. You may be wondering, how you are ever going to survive this long semester and online classes? Don’t worry, we have you covered with advice on how to make the most out of the semester.

Take care of yourself

Being a student can get tiring and not being on top of your health can make it even more difficult. The last thing you want to do is try taking an exam while being sick and tired, so do yourself a favor and make your health a priority. Getting an adequate amount of sleep is vital to fighting off diseases, not just the coronavirus. Wash your hands and get 8 hours of sleep a night to keep illnesses at bay.

Another way to take care of yourself is having an exercise regimen. You don’t have to go to a gym to get in a workout, you can do a great workout from the comfort of your home. A half hour three days a week will help improve your physical health. From being a stress reliever to giving you a break from studying, exercise is a great way to fight the homework blues.

A healthy diet is also key to making yourself healthier. A good diet will help you sustain energy to move you through long nights of studying. Next time you’re eating lunch try having a piece of fruit instead of a cookie. Little changes can make a big difference.

Manage your stress

Stress is often inevitable at points during the semester. What we can do as students, though, is embrace the challenge or fall into the threat of stress. Constantly worrying about an upcoming test is not good for your mental health. Take time to step away and take a break from studying. Putting the books down for 10 minutes can help you feel relieved and when you come back to it you’ll be more ready to study. Stress shows that you care about school but don’t let it consume you.

Make a list of where you want to visit

Sometimes the best thing you can do to make the most out of your semester is getting away for a weekend. Although we are leaving campus amidst the school closing, you can still plan for future trips. Take time to talk to your friends and see where they would want to get away to for a few days. Although you won’t be able to visit new places soon, you’ll have ideas of where you want to go next. Whether its a drive to a new coffee shop or a trip to visit a friend’s home town, having something to look forward to will brighten up your time away from Loras.

Stay motivated

It’s hard to be motivated for an entire semester, especially when it feels like it’ll never end. Now more than ever it is important to keep yourself motivated so you don’t fall behind in class. Keep yourself in check over everything you need to by writing it all down. Schedule when you’re going to do tasks and don’t lose focus on what’s at hand. It’s easy to think about how much you’d rather lay in bed than study for your Chemistry exam, but sometimes you need to buckle down and do your work. Seeing the results and hard work pay off will help you be motivated to keep going.

Make your summer plans

Even though it feels far away now, summer will be here eventually. Having something to look forward to can help the semester fly by. As summer approaches so do deadlines to apply for jobs and internships. Be sure to find where you’re living and do your job searches. Knowing where you’ll be working this summer will relieve stress and give you something to look forward to. Once you have an idea of your schedule, have some fun and plan out a vacation with your best friends. From visiting a new city to discovering a new lake, you’ll be sure to plan out the perfect getaway.

This semester may be tough to wrap up, but Duhawks are strong and you’ll get through it all in no time.