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Recipe for Success


So you’ve been dying to try this new Italian restaurant up north, but when you get there, it seems like everyone in Spokane had the same plan. Here are some pro tips to help you make the most of Inlander Restaurant Week. Make your reservations (if they take them) early. Really, pick up the phone now, or book online. For high demand restaurants or places that don’t take reservations, it might be easier to get in midweek, but make sure to check the days the restaurant is open (some may not be open on Monday or Tuesday). First seatings (like at 4 pm or 5 pm) can be easier to get into. And some restaurants are offering their three-course menus for lunch. Days, hours and reservation information can be found on all of the menus in this guide.


Restaurant workers have been hit hard by the pandemic. If you want to serve up some hope to the people serving you, here are some easy ways to help.

MAKE A DONATION. MULTICARE WILL MATCH IT! When you go out to eat during Inlander Restaurant Week, you’ll see a QR code on the back of each menu. Scan it, and make a donation to Big Table. Donations to Big Table during Inlander Restaurant Week will be matched by MultiCare, and these funds will provide medical, dental and mental health assistance for restaurant workers in Spokane County. Want to help restaurant workers in North Idaho? Look for a URL to CDAIDE on Idaho menus. CDAIDE cares for hospitality workers in North Idaho.

BE AN INTENTIONAL TIPPER. Treat tips as a way to surprise and honor your servers.

WRITE RECEIPT NOTES. With your tip, write a personalized thank you on the restaurant copy of the receipt using your server’s name. Not only will they see it, but their manager will see it too when the receipts are reconciled.  GET READY. Browse each restaurant’s three-course menu and gure out what sounds good to you.

GET SET. Check the menu to see if the restaurant you’ve chosen takes reservations. If they do, make one. If not, all you have to do is show up.

PAY (AND TIP). You already know the price of your meal, but tax and tip aren’t included in that set price. Don’t forget to treat your server well!

GO! Each restaurant will hand you a Restaurant Week menu. You’ll have three options per course to choose from.

REPEAT STEPS 1-4. Until this year’s Restaurant Week ends March 5. Menus are also searchable by price, neighborhood and cuisine on InlanderRestaurantWeek.com

FIXED PRICE. The menus are xed price, which means you know the price ahead of time. Each restaurant’s three-course menu is $22, $33 or $44.

BE SOCIAL. Share your dining experience on social media. Use the hashtag #InlanderRestaurantWeek #InlanderRW

UPGRADE. Some restaurants may offer add-ons or upgrades on their menu for a clearly marked price.

DRINK UP. Local just tastes better! So look for the local wine, beer, cider, spirits and coffee highlighted on every single menu.

Making Sense of the Menus


So you are a vegan. Or your partner is gluten-free. There are more vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free options on the menus this year than ever before. Here’s how to read the menus: GF means the dish is gluten-free. GFA means substitutions are available to make it gluten-free. V stands for vegetarian, while V+ means the item is vegan and entirely plant-based. see “reservations recommended” in red at the bottom of the restaurant’s menu. It’s conveniently located right above the restaurant’s phone number. If they take reservations, call them up and book your table. Don’t wait. Some high-demand restaurants will book up before Restaurant Week even begins. If you don’t see reservations recommended, then assume this restaurant is first come, first served. a dinner event, some restaurants are offering their menus at lunch, too. You can see when their three-course menu is being served on each restaurant’s menu in this guide.


Inlander Restaurant Week is all about celebrating the incredible chefs and restaurants in our area. It’s also about bringing attention to the incredible beer, cider, wine, spirits and more made right here at home. Look for Drink Local specials on every single Restaurant Week menu. Cheers! 