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Word From The Editor

It’s official, summer is here! As I type this, the sun is beating down on our fair town and the smell of freshly barbecued sausages is floating on the air. We all know the tourist season comes with its ups and downs, but the highlight for me is ALWAYS the Ilfracombe Birdman Competition. Sure, I’m one of the people who organise the spectacle so I’m bound to say that - but I genuinely love everything about this day. As well as being the busiest day in Ilfracombe’s calendar, it also exudes that quirky, coastal charm our town does so well. It’s also a jolly good excuse for us locals to get out, have a beer or two, laugh at the pilots hurling themselves into the sea and then rock out until the wee hours at the live music stage. I won’t go on too much about the day itself - which is taking place on Saturday, July 30 - as all the information you need is contained within the pages of this month’s magazine. I will say this though, it’s going to be the biggest and best Birdman yet! Of course this isn’t the only event to take place this month - far from it in fact. Saturday, July 16, sees the return of the Round Lundy Yacht race, one of the greatest spectacles in the town’s calendar. Regardless of whether or not you are a seasoned yachtsperson, the sheer sight of that many billowed sails swooping gently over the surface of the sea is a pure joy (the best view is usually at the back of Capstone or at the top of Lantern Hill). Take a walk down the sea front and see for yourself - and while you’re down there, why not head to the Yacht Club for a bacon butty? Go on, treat yourself - it’s summer! Leo

The Ilfracombe Magazine
