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Word From The Editor

Well, here we are - December! The tail end of 2021. Undoubtedly better for most than 2020, but probably not up there among the best of our lives! Regardless, time marches on and things seem to be getting more optimistic in terms of the whole Covid situation, which is good news! I’m delighted to welcome back our fantastic competition to win a roast dinner at the wonderful Lakeside Restaurant at Hidden Valley Holiday Park. We were overwhelmed by the number of entries we received for our inaugural competition last month - and you can find out who the lucky winner was by simply turning over the page. I’m also really happy to feature two great local clubs this month - the Ilfracombe and North Devon Sub Aqua Club and the Ilfracombe Men’s Shed. Small communities like ours thrive on the enthusiasm of groups like this and make our town a better place to be. Given that we’re surrounded by the sea, I often find it remarkable how many people - myself included - never really do much with it, other than look and admire it. Not that there’s anything wrong with that of course, but the beauty of the ocean is far deeper than the surface most of us see - and that’s what the Sub Aqua club love doing. Whether its local waters, further afield or boat trips to Lundy, their busy underwater schedule is open to all - so check out more about them on page 8. Alternatively, if you’re the kind of person who has hidden DIY or gardening skills and a bit of spare time, then Ilfracombe Men’s Shed could be right up your street. The group of guys meet at a dedicated space tucked down an alley near the Chocolate Emporium where they let their creative and manual skills flourish with all manner of useful community projects. Head to page 10 to find out more about them and how you can get involved. See you in the New Year!



The Ilfracombe Magazine