1 minute read

Word From The Editor

Welcome to the November edition of The Ilfracombe Magazine. The nights have finally drawn in and it’s definitely time to dig out that thick, winter coat - but that’s no reason to feel down. There’s a wonderful aura around these autumnal months, a sense of hunkering down and snuggling up, lighting the fire or wood burner and settling down with a good book or TV programme and a hot chocolate. For many this year, a fire or log burner may not just be a comforting winter luxury, but a genuinely cost effective method of heating one’s home. It’s well documented that we are in a pretty serious cost of living crisis, with heating, energy and fuel costs all sky-rocketing. Although as I type the Government has announced a series of packages which they hope will help people with these issues, it could be some time until we start to feel the full benefit. So why am I waffling on about this? Well, it’s always worth reminding ourselves what we, collectively, are going through. We have such a fantastic community spirit in Ilfracombe, so I know this will have crossed many of your minds, but please remember to check on your neighbours - elderly or otherwise - to see how they are managing. Even if they are absolutely fine, I’m certain they will appreciate the sentiment. And if you are concerned, remember there are lots of schemes that can help - make the Ilfracombe Centre your first port of call. Leo

The Ilfracombe Magazine
